NDT Compare & Merge

kvbkvb Member Posts: 107
edited 2004-02-05 in Navision Attain
i have got a hotfix pack(with a lot of a new objects in it) from our NSC so i need to update my database.
The best way to do it, in my opinion, - is to use the "Compare & Merge" tool of NDT(Navision Development Toolkit).

First i created a new empty database(specially for NDT) and a new company in it.
Next step a run NDT and import all of my objects there (Import Version Code was set to "CurrCustVer").
After that i import hotifix objects(Import Version Code was set to "NewBaseVer").
So, i have two import versions in the Import Version List.

Then i choose Tools-->Merge Setup.

There are four fields on the Merge Setup tab:
Current Custom Version,
Old Base Version,
New Base Version and
New Customer Version.
I select my CurrCustVer as "Current Custom Version", NewBaseVer as "New Base Version" and MergedVersion as "New Customer Version".

Select "New Base Version" in the field "Focus on Objects in", push "OK" button and get a message:

"This Version does not exist",

because of field "Old Base Version" is blank.
But i`ve no any Import Versions!
I need to merge only two source import versions into new one!
Is it my mistake somewhere or i have to create a new Import Version by copying all my objects in NDT base again (but choosing another Import Version)? :(

Thanx in advance to all replies.


  • SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301

    If you have Nortons 'Codewrite' use that, its a wonderful tool to merge and compare and its quite easy to use.

  • Edward_BloomfieldEdward_Bloomfield Member Posts: 155

    You need to import three files for NDK to work:

    Original Base Version: (What the customer had before the mods)
    Current Customer Version: (What the customer has now)
    Hotfix version: (The new uncustomised version)

    You need all three, as the NDK needs to see what is different between the old standard release version and the new one.
    Edward Bloomfield

    Lead Consultant
  • kvbkvb Member Posts: 107
    Unfortunately, i have no Original Base Version (What the customer had before the modifications)
    Does it mean that i have not to use Compare & Merge NDT tool?
  • Edward_BloomfieldEdward_Bloomfield Member Posts: 155

    You should be able to get the unmodified previous version from MBS.

    Unfotunately, if you do not have the old base version, then you cannot use the SDK because the SDK will not know the difference between the old unmodified version and the new base version, or whether the differences between the old modified version and the new base version are thing sthat should be corrected/removed or mods to be kept.

    If you cannot get hold of the original base version, then you will ahve to apply the mods manually to the new release.
    Edward Bloomfield

    Lead Consultant
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Just to clarify on an earlier post: you need to have three databases to 'harvest' your objects from.

    1: Original Base Version: (What the customer had before the mods)
    This is the standard database on the product CD.

    2: Current Customer Version: (What the customer has now)
    That should be easy to get

    3: Hotfix version: (The new uncustomised version)
    This is basically the standard database plus all the improvements that have been released ever since the release of the product CD. You should be able to just import and replace all the improvements/service packs into the standard database and get to the new uncustomized version.

    Then, you need to import the objects of all three databases into your NDT and voila, you can start comparing and merging. Mind you that this takes a lot of practice and experience. I have tried it many times and I still prefer good old CodeWright and two open databases to manually merge, that's still the only way to do it right the first time. 8)
  • kvbkvb Member Posts: 107
    Thanx to all :D

    I import the standard base from Installation CD and then select it as the Old Base Version.

    Uff.. I spent a lot of time to do Merge procedure.
    Now it`s time to import and test it all and i think it will take even more time that merging :(

    Anyway NDT saved much of my time and i almost love this thing :wink:
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