Starting with Navision Financials 2.6

ccfccf Member Posts: 2
edited 2004-02-04 in Navision Financials
I am new in this Foro.
I am spanish and have a company that is subsidiary of a Swiss company. We use Navision Financial 2.6 CH. We connect with a VPN with Citryx. We are ready to use this program from Spain but we have all the information in Deutch. It´possible obtain the user manual in Spanish or English for this version?
In Spain it´s very difficult to search some book or another information of this program. Somebody know some book in Spanish or English?
Thank you very much


  • DoomhammerDoomhammer Member Posts: 211

    On Navision Financials product CD is directory named NFDOC\W1. There are some PDF files in this directory which contains english version of user manuals...

    On Manufacturing CD, there only some of these files (many are missing).

    In directory NFDOC is also another directory and there are localized versions of user guides (in my case czech versions). So if you will need documentation in spanish, wou will have to contact come NSC in Spain and request these PDF files.
    For Navision 2.xx exist also printed versions of PDF's located on product CD, but I don't know, where you can obtain these books, maybe in some spanish NSC...
    Martin Bokůvka, AxiomProvis
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