Duplicate Job Ledger Entry Lines in Version 5.0 Jobs

chrisdfchrisdf Member Posts: 82
The new version of Jobs in version 5.0 has a problem when using a Purchase Order. By default the Purchase Order sub-form does not have the Job column enabled. If you add the Job No. and Task No. columns you can end up with a problem if the PO is posted in 2 steps .... Receipt and then (later) Invoice.

In the above scenario, the new system writes 2 job ledger entry lines (one for the receipt posting and one for the invoice posting). If you post the PO as Receipt and Invoice (together) then it works fine.

Microsoft have identified this and written a (partner only) article 94429 where they state that this behaviour is "by design".

They sugggest a workaround which is:

1. Create a purchase order. The purchase order lines of this purchase order are not linked to a job number or to job-related data.

2. Post the receipt of the item quantity to the inventory as a purchase item ledger entry.

3. Post a job journal entry for the usage of the item for the job.

4. Create a purchase invoice that contains a job number for the item, and then post the purchase invoice.

After you follow these steps, an item ledger entry for the purchase order is created. A negative adjustment to the inventory item ledger is created. Additionally, the related job usage entry and the related job planning line are updated.

Frankly, I don't understand what they are getting at here - has anyone come up with a solution to this behaviour ??.... (I'm sure everyone agrees that this is how a designed product should work!!!)

If anyone has already solved this would appreciate not having to re-invent the wheel.


  • geri79geri79 Member Posts: 105
    Any news on this?
    I am currently testing version 5 and I was facing the same problem...
  • cfvcfv Member Posts: 19
    I've got the same problem. I don't want Navision to generate job line only when i validate a purchase receipt.

    What we want :
    - receipt a purchase
    - then create purchase invoice and extract receipt line...

    Have youn find a solution ?

    We were using Navision 2.60 and i'm preparing the V5. But I've got a lot of problem with job (sales and purchase) because for example we want to use job in all the procédure quote/order/invoice...

    Thank a lot for your help
  • borjaghborjagh Member Posts: 19
    I'd the same problem, and fixed it for the "G/L Account" purchase lines with this modification on codeunit 90; I have only modified one line, at OnRun. I applied first the MS knowledge base article 942276, to patch the Error message when you try to post a purchase document that contains more than two lines in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0.

    This is my modification:

    CASE PurchLine.Type OF
    PurchLine.Type::"G/L Account":
    IF (PurchLine."No." <> '') AND
    NOT PurchLine."System-Created Entry" THEN BEGIN
    GLAcc.TESTFIELD("Direct Posting");

    //IF PurchLine."Job No." <> '' THEN BEGIN //+Patch Deleted Line
    IF (PurchLine."Job No." <> '') AND Invoice THEN BEGIN //-Patch Added line
    TempDocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Purchase Line");
    TempDocDim.SETRANGE("Line No.",PurchLine."Line No.");

    I'd like you to tell me what do you think about it and if it could have any collateral effect.

    I think is a little more complicated to fix this problem for the Item Lines, isn't it?

    Thank you for your help, I hope we can patch this completly.
  • sajidhanifkhansajidhanifkhan Member Posts: 182
    Hi gents,

    May I ask the use of JOB and task please? I have never used this option. I will appreciate if any one can explain it for me.


  • tuborgtuborg Member Posts: 6
    Hi everyone.
    The problem is not only that you get dublicate entries when you first do the receipt and then the invoice, but even when you post a second receipt/invoice on the same order. If you have G/L account-lines that was posted in the first receipt, it generates a job ledger entry even in the second receipt posting.
    You have to have a condition on the "Qty. to Invoice" field.
    I suggest a code change like this:
    //IF PurchLine."Job No." <> '' THEN
    IF (PurchLine."Job No." <> '') AND
        Invoice AND
        (PurchLine."Qty. to Invoice" <> 0)

    Best regards,
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