How expand the Description in Tables.

kiLLkiLL Member Posts: 53

I have a Item list from my Client and I have a problem of the "Item description",bec. they are too long to insert to NAV Item Description. Is there a safe to Expand the LEght of Item Descrption in NAV with out affecting other module.Hope you can help me. THNKS :D


  • vaibhav_soulvaibhav_soul Member Posts: 17
    kiLL wrote:

    I have a Item list from my Client and I have a problem of the "Item description",bec. they are too long to insert to NAV Item Description. Is there a safe to Expand the LEght of Item Descrption in NAV with out affecting other module.Hope you can help me. THNKS :D

    In simple terms - "Never do it!"

    It would lead to a series of miseries once you change the length.
  • kiLLkiLL Member Posts: 53
    Ok, but you have any suggestion what I can do? THANKS
  • vaibhav_soulvaibhav_soul Member Posts: 17
    I guess you would have to lessen the length of string before inserting to the maximum length that NAV accepts. So, you use COPYSTR or something before you try to insert/validate the item description.
  • kiLLkiLL Member Posts: 53
    Ok, I think ,I have No choice but to cut the lenght :? , before Inserting in to NAV.THANKS very much for your suggestion.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    If the description is too lengthy, you can split it in 30 characters each for description and description 2 and then import. Excel can do splitting easily. For report you can use both together. You can also use Extended Text functionality.

    The issue has been discussed on the forun many times. search and you might find the solution which works your way.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    What I would do is add a field with the right length and call it "Legacy Description". Just import the values in there, so you can always decide to change it up later, without having to redo the migration.

    Then, as stated before, you can use the existing Description and Description 2 fields. For additional space you should really consider adding new fields.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    We import many lengthy Item descriptions for new items.

    I create a variable in the dataport to accept the large name (mydescription) and then break it up to fit into Desc1 & 2
    Item.Description := UPPERCASE(COPYSTR(mydescription, 1, 30));
    Item."Description 2" := UPPERCASE(COPYSTR(mydescription,31,30));

    *Uppercase Optional :mrgreen:
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