Reversing NSF Cheque

headley27headley27 Member Posts: 188
Good Day,

We are trying to reverse a transaction in NAV 5.0.

First we are Navigating to the Customer Ledger Entry (Payment) in question and then we are selecting Functions > Reverse Transaction.

On Form 179 (Reverse Entries) we then choose Reversing > Reverse and Print, accepting the confirmation message.

We are then presented with the error message 'You cannot reverse Cust. Ledger Entry No. xxxxxxx because the entry is either applied to an entry or has been changed by a batch job.'.

This error occurs in this function Table 179 (Reversal Entry):
DtldCustLedgEntry.SETCURRENTKEY("Cust. Ledger Entry No.");
DtldCustLedgEntry.SETRANGE("Cust. Ledger Entry No.",CustLedgEntry."Entry No.");
IF DtldCustLedgEntry.FIND('-') THEN
    IF (DtldCustLedgEntry."Entry Type" <> DtldCustLedgEntry."Entry Type"::"Initial Entry") AND
       (NOT DtldCustLedgEntry.Unapplied)
        Text000,CustLedgEntry.TABLECAPTION,CustLedgEntry."Entry No."); //< ERROR OCCURS HERE
  UNTIL DtldCustLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;

There are 3 Detailed Customer Entries, one is the Initial Entry and 2 are Application Entries. The error is presented during the second loop since the Detailed Customer Ledger Entry Type is Application and not Initial Entry.

So how do I reverse the NSF Payment?

Can anyone suggest what we may be doing wrong?

Thank you very much.


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