I need to update navision db from mysql db. What I want to do is to connect from navision to mysql using ADO ( this works right ) but my problem is ADO api doesn't tell me what happened with sent command.
CREATE( dbEngine );
strConnection := 'ODBC;DSN=myDSN;UserName=someUser;PWD=somePass';
db := dbEngine.OpenDatabase( '', FALSE, FALSE, strConnection );
recordSet := db.OpenRecordset( 'select * from customer where Code = "asdf"' );
// Well, I do know there is no customer with code asdf so I would like to know that. for getting recordset.rowcount() I need to do recordset.moveFirst or moveLast and then I get a navision error !!! :-(( and I can't handle it ...
// Another thing is database.execute( <query> ) ... How do I know what the result was ??? How do I Know if it was or not correct ???
Please, any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanx in advance.
There is no way to Linux. Linux is the way !
Im using DAO, not ADO ... it's quite different ... :oops: