Date Table

aman_mbsaman_mbs Member Posts: 158
Dear All,
i need to make a report in which i need to display login time & log out time for the employee Month wise like if user enter Employee Code: E001 & Month 1 So for that employee The Login Date & time should be diplayed Day wise and date wise so 31 dates should be printed and date should come on those days on which employee had come my parent table is Time Register for this i need Date System Table how will i use this date table
Aman Kumar Gupta


  • sendohsendoh Member Posts: 207
    "Period Type" either <Date,Week,Month,Quarter,Year>

    put date in your dataitem

    if you want to filter the date table by MONTH you should filter it like this:

    daterec.SETRANGE(daterec."Period Type",daterec."Period Type"::Month);
    daterec.SETRANGE(daterec."Period No.",vFilterMonth);
    it returns............
    1 - january
    2 - february
    12 - december

    and date
    daterec.SETRANGE(daterec."Period Type",daterec."Period Type"::Date);
    daterec.SETRANGE(daterec."Period start",010107d);
    it returns...........

    be smart before being a clever.
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