Object/DBMS Cache increase at Server with SQL option

anilkumaranilkumar Member Posts: 136
edited 2007-11-23 in SQL Performance
Hi Experts!

How to increase DBMS/Object Cache at Server level with Navision 3.70 & SQL Server option.

As I know how to increase DBMS/object Cache in Native Database, I am unable to increase Navision server Object/DBMS cache, as when ever closing Navision Cache also changing as default.

Anil Kumar Korada
Technical Consultant


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Object cache is always at client-level (the one from tools=>Options at least).
    Object cache on SQL-level is the same is the DBcache because for SQL there is no difference between a record with data and a record with an object. For SQL it is just data.
    To increase DBcache, you need to do that on the SQL-side.
    Here you need some SQL-administrating to do=>SQLServer properties and change it in there. The max. size also depends on the edition of SQLserver you have.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • anilkumaranilkumar Member Posts: 136
    kriki. Gr8

    Thanks for Clear Reply.
    Anil Kumar Korada
    Technical Consultant
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