question with cheques in payment journal

qqtofuqqtofu Member Posts: 49

Got a situation:

we have a line entry for an invoice and a credit memo document type in a purchase and payable payment journal that causing us problem.

we already print the check for them both.

now we try to post and print them

we getting error saying the invoice need to have negative amount and the credit memo need to have a positive amount. Should we make this adjustment? but we thought the invoice should always be positive right? and the credit memo we set it to negative is cause we wish to cancel out some of the amount in the invoice so the total will be less.



  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    How are you entering your line in the Payment journal? Are you using the suggest vendor payments? Are you summerizing per line?

    Are you entering the journal per line? Or are you using Apply Entry and selecting multiple doucments into one payment?

    What version are you using?
  • qqtofuqqtofu Member Posts: 49
    How are you entering your line in the Payment journal?
    Just typed each lines

    Are you using the suggest vendor payments? Are you summerizing per line?
    no sure what those are.

    Are you entering the journal per line?

    Or are you using Apply Entry and selecting multiple doucments into one payment?

    What version are you using?
    using 3.7

    The error is
    "Amount must be negative in Gen.Journal Line Journal Template Name="PYAMENTS', Journal Batch Name='CHEQUES', Line No.='1195000'." this is for the line for my invoice

    "Amount must be positive in Gen.Journal Line Journal Template Name="PYAMENTS', Journal Batch Name='CHEQUES', Line No.='1205000'." this is for the line for my credit

    I been trying to use my credit line to cancel some of the total amount in the invoice line, the print check already processed. am trying to just posting it. but getting these error with these line selected.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The Steps for creating a payment is quite simple
    1. Select the Bank payment Type
    2. Check your Posting Date
    3. Document Type is "Payment"
    4. Select Your Account Type (Vendor for example)
    5. Enter a Account No (The Vendor # Your trying to pay)
    6. Bal Account Type should be "Bank Account"
    7. Bal Account No should be the Bank # you set up for it.

    8. Goto Functions "Apply Entries" - This should show you the available entries that can be put on this check.
    9.Place your cursor on the lines you want to add to the check and hit F9 to select it. (It pays to have the "Applies-to ID" field visible on your screen at this point)
    10. Hit OK
    11. I personally Add "Check Payment "the date" to All Check Descriptions
    12. Payment->Print Check->Check options to make sure Bank Account & Last check No are correct.
    13. Print->Select Your Printer

    Use the Purchase Journal - NOT the Payment Journal
    The error is
    "Amount must be negative in Gen.Journal Line Journal Template Name="PYAMENTS', Journal Batch Name='CHEQUES', Line No.='1195000'." this is for the line for my invoice

    "Amount must be positive in Gen.Journal Line Journal Template Name="PYAMENTS', Journal Batch Name='CHEQUES', Line No.='1205000'." this is for the line for my credit

    You see this line makes no sence:
    I been trying to use my credit line to cancel some of the total amount in the invoice line, the print check already processed. am trying to just posting it. but getting these error with these line selected.
    You already cut a check & now your trying to adjust it with some credit?
    I would void what you did and start over.
  • qqtofuqqtofu Member Posts: 49
    You see this line makes no sence:
    I been trying to use my credit line to cancel some of the total amount in the invoice line, the print check already processed. am trying to just posting it. but getting these error with these line selected.

    You already cut a check & now your trying to adjust it with some credit?
    I would void what you did and start over.

    oh we do the cut a check at the after we adjust the credit with the invoice I think, then we get the check sign, then we post it. but we getting the error while trying to post it. So the adjustment was already done way before.

    oh we done those 13 point ya mentioned. print the check already, right now having issue with posting it.

    Use the Purchase Journal - NOT the Payment Journal
    regarding this suggestion, i talk with our finance manager, she said we only been using payment journal for that type of things.

    what I wondering is, are we best to just void the check, and redo everything? really wish we didnt have to void the check since is already in the process of the last step.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    first off, we can only guess what's going on at your office.

    I'm not understanding entering inv & credit memo's in the payment journal. That being said, I also don't know what you have entered into the necessary fields like Doc Type, Account Type, Bal Account Type, Payment metod. So it's hard to speculate what is happening on your side.

    Is this system new to your company? Have you always done things this way and this is the first time you have an error?

    to me posting a credit and/or invoice is not the same as posting a check. It's not clear on how a check is posted if "these entries" have not been posted?

    Are you trying to wipe something out by using an entry?
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    I think it's is an issue with 3.7. They've address this in the newer version. Ask your solution center to modify to allow posting for you.
  • qqtofuqqtofu Member Posts: 49
    hi guys thank you so much, seem to be resolved now :D
  • MP_NAVMP_NAV Member Posts: 42
    I believe what he is telling you is that for ONE Vendor he has entered multiple lines into a Payment Journal. Line one is to pay an Invoice and line two is to "pay" a Credit Memo. The issue is that NAV checks Posting Date, Document Type and Document No. when Posting the Payment Journal. So while it will allow you to print the check, you cannot post the Journal because as far as NAV is concerned the Journal is not technically correct due to the different Document Types.

    The solution has been provided in using the Suggest Vendor Payments, or selecting the Applies to Entries...

    The other work-around... if you MUST enter seperate lines, then you have to leave the Document Type = 'Blank' so that Posting Date, Document Type, and Document No. are consistent and then it will post.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    qqtofu wrote:
    hi guys thank you so much, seem to be resolved now :D

    So how did you resolve it? Maybe you can share what you did so others may learn from you.
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