Business Analytics installation instructions

afarrafarr Member Posts: 287
These are the steps I used to get Business Analytics up and running.
Some of this information is in manuals and documentation, but most of it was found through trial and error, and through reading Kamil Sacek's posts on mibuso.

1. BA should be set up and run on the same (virtual) machine as Analysis Services; it cannot run on a different (virtual) computer, or on a domain controller.

2. SQL Analysis Services and SQL Integration Services should both be running (Start – right-click My Computer – Services and Applications – Services).

3. Download the latest files from partnersource (or from our ftp site), and run BusinessAnalyticsSuite.msi, BusinessAnalyticsNET.msi, CustomSSISTasks.msi

4. There is a pdf on partnersource that might be helpful. It’s called BusinessAnalyticsTechWhitePaper.pdf and is actually for Navision 5.0, but it’s one of the only documents that has some clear installation steps.

5. In BA Database (table 700), Navision tends to get the wrong server name, so you need to hardcode it. The code should look like this (with MyServerName replaced by the appropriate string:
/// START change
  IF NOT GetFieldRefByName(FieldRef,RecRef,'Host Name') THEN
  Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) + '"';
  Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT('MyServerName') + '"';
/// END change

6. Go to MyComputer – Manage – Services – Services, and find the ANTserver. Right-click, go to Properties – LogOn tab, and set it to log on as Local System Account. Do this for the ANTDaemon too.

Before running the configurator, stop the ANTserver; after running the configurator, re-start it.

(This is because you may get a configurator error in the step “Create SQL Server Database” – “Unable to delete database …”. )

7. In Navision, go to Administration - Application Setup – General – Business Analytics Setup; do a lookup on Name to open the BA Databases window, check the Active column, and specify the path to the SQL 2005 configurator (configurator.exe).

8. Go to BA Database – Export XML, Functions – Update XML (I’m not sure if the xml steps are necessary), and then Functions – Start Configurator. It may ask for the password (the one you use to log in to the database). The first window completes three steps fairly quickly, then you have to press next, and it can take some 20 minutes to go through the steps in the next window.

9. Make sure that you have imported your licence in Navision. The Client directory should now contain fin.flf with your licence with BA permissions, rather than the default Cronus licence. Make sure there is no other .flf in this directory.

Run the file Configurator.exe (from Windows Explorer, not from the Navision – Start Configurator function). This will bring up a screen asking for your language, and then for the directory of the licence file – this must be the Client directory that contains a unique licence file, namely fin.flf.

After clicking OK or Next on this form, Business Analytics will be registered, and you will no longer get the initial screen showing a 30-day expiry.

10. If all else fails, uninstall and re-install BA. (I had to do this a couple of times, and for some reason, it does help.)
If you uninstall things, delete the directory C:\Program Files\Business Analytics\ before re-installing.
Alastair Farrugia


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Thanks afarr for this brief summary.

    I just have a small remarks: you do not need to code the name of the server into C/AL, you can change the code to use the Navision Server field to get the name as when it is Native DB. In this way you just enter the server name into the field in the BA Database form and you do not need to change code each time. Or you can use another method how to get the server name described on this forum (e.g. method using context URL).

    And I want to add this:

    If something goes wrong, you can use these sources to get more info about what is wrong:

    1) Event log on the localsystem and on the servers
    2) BA.log in the configurator folder
    3) Enable the logging functionality in SQL Analysis services and check the log file
    4) Configurator will create Integration Services package on the server, try to run it manually, you will see what it is doing and what take so much time (biggest part of the process take creation of table with dates).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • cristiano74cristiano74 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for your help.

    I'd like to know where is my mistake about th NODBC connection error after starting Configurator.exe ( in Build Internal Representation)

    This is the ba.log:

    23.04.25: Check NODBC
    23.04.25: Check for SQL Server 2005
    23.04.26: Check for Analysis Services 2005
    23.04.29: Installation started
    23.04.29: Build Internal Representation
    23.04.29: Installation completed

    I've configured the NODBC source in ODBC panel, but I think I've done something wrong.

    Thanks in advance for any kind of help ;)
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    Hi all,

    I need to know where i can get the configurator files on partner source, i have search partner source for a long time and didnt find anything, can anybody send me a link to get these files....
  • HayanHayan Member Posts: 110
    Hi all,

    I need to know where i can get the configurator files on partner source, i have search partner source for a long time and didnt find anything, can anybody send me a link to get these files....
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