Average Cost - Calculation of it

slowhandfanslowhandfan Member Posts: 56
I have a new customer that has been live for about a month

They have 25000 items with 1-25 variants per sku

They insist on using AVERAGE COST

The Adjust Cost - Item Entries routine is running extremely slow (like 35 hours)

I had to load them 3 years of sales history onto their system, and the adjust cost (average cost) is lookin g at these records to calculate an average cost

Is there any way to get the adjust cost routine to use 10/01/07 as a starting date in determing average cost, and not looking any further into the past than that?

IF not, after I post the month end 093007, will the calc average cost routine continue to look all the way back to the beginning of time to calculate abn average cost, or is there a way to limit it's horizon?

Please help!!!!

Scott Wilson aka SLOWHANDFAN


  • slowhandfanslowhandfan Member Posts: 56
    Noone knows anything about this topic?
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    do you use average cost periods ?

    this is in V 5

    Setup for Average Cost
    There are two setup options in the Inventory Setup window that are necessary for calculating average cost:

    Average Cost Period: The program calculates the average cost per average cost period. This can be per day, per week, per month, or per accounting period. All inventory decreases that were posted within the average cost period receive the average cost calculated for that period.

    Average Cost Calc. Type: The average cost can either be calculated per item; or per item, variant, and location.

    In this field, select the period of time you would like the program to use for calculating the weighted average cost of items that use the average costing method.

    All inventory decreases that were posted within an average cost period will receive the average cost calculated for that period.

    If you change the average cost period, only open fiscal years will be affected.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    How did you upload the sales history into Navision? I sure hope it's not to the item ledger... :(

    To speed up the adjust cost process, use the Inventory Periods so you can run the adjust cost process for that period only. This will greatly reduce the adjust cost process.
  • slowhandfanslowhandfan Member Posts: 56
    Unfortunately, my customer is running Nav 4.0 SP3

    The Average Cost period option became available in 5.0 - aarrggghhh

    Alex, basically to load sales history we posted a Sale and a positive adjustment to the item legder.....

    If there is an alternative to that to load sales history, I promise you I am all ears..... please share it with me

    I designed a PO distribution routine that operates on past perfromance for their stores by various criteria, and the sales history ultimately comes from the item ledger

    I guess other issue is, can I modify 4.0 to only look back to a hard date of 10/01/07(go live date) or retrofit the 5.0 mod down to 4.0
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Hello SlowHandfan

    You need to filter by item and post them one item at a time. once Adjust cost routine goes through the ILE, it will mark them ad adjusted and will not look at them again.

    Here is a howto

    http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... highlight=

    the other option is to mark the ILE manually, but I highly do not recommend that.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Unfortunately, my customer is running Nav 4.0 SP3

    The Average Cost period option became available in 5.0 - aarrggghhh

    Alex, basically to load sales history we posted a Sale and a positive adjustment to the item legder.....

    If there is an alternative to that to load sales history, I promise you I am all ears..... please share it with me

    I designed a PO distribution routine that operates on past perfromance for their stores by various criteria, and the sales history ultimately comes from the item ledger

    I guess other issue is, can I modify 4.0 to only look back to a hard date of 10/01/07(go live date) or retrofit the 5.0 mod down to 4.0

    When loading item sales history, I always load them into a separate table, then create flowfields on the Item table and Item Statistics Buffer table so reports can be generated.

    It's easier to modify reports than to analyze why your average cost is screwed up.
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