Somebody posted this question back in 2002 but there were no answers so I am going to try again because now I have the same problem.
The Help files say :
The C/AL code in this trigger is executed while the user makes entries into a text box. You can use this trigger to check the entries the user is making as he or she enters information.
The problem is that they do not say (what a surprise) how to get a hold of what the user enterred IN THIS TRIGGER.
I know it is possible to use the OnAfterInput trigger, but that is oky executed AFTER the textbox has lost its focus, so that is no good.
Does anybody have a solution for this problem ?
I'm trying to stop allow writing, if next character doesn't mark to my set ('0'..'9')
1. Put CurrForm.UPDATE to OnInputChange.. But then You can't get the last character.
2. Try to manipulate Text in trigger OnFormat, there is almost what I want, becouse also have to put CurrForm.UPDATE to OnInputChange, and then the value is selected.. UPDATESELECTED(FALSE) in OnFormat do nothing..
- Set property AutoEnter to Yes
- Use Variable Code/Text with length 1
- Use OnAfterInput instead of OnInputChange
- Handle character there
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