Dead locks

GierkinkGierkink Member Posts: 18
edited 2004-02-24 in Navision Financials
:oops: Has anyone experience with deadlocks in Navision Financials or Navision Attain. I am keen on programming techniques to avoid them.


  • StephenGStephenG Member Posts: 99
    Hi Gierkink

    On the 3.60 or 3.70 cd (i haven't looked at any earlier versions) there is directory called "Performance Troubleshooting Guide" within this there are tools and documents, one of the tools deals with locking problems.

    Read the PDF document, you can also read The Online help for "LOCKTABLE".

    Also you could try reading :( the "Aplication Designers Guide" and possible the "C/AL Programming Guide"

    I hope this is of some help. :wink:
    Answer the question and wait for the answer.
  • GierkinkGierkink Member Posts: 18
    Thank you for reacting Stephen G :)
  • rthswrthsw Member Posts: 73
    at least, the navisionsystem will breakup a deadlock by itself. so the mentioned tool will help you, to avoid a dead-lock situation, because this will always spend the half time of the code (the loosing one) for nothing, and will slow down the system w/o any need. if you pay attention of writing fast and short code, using tmptables and so on, you will automaticaly avoiding dead-lock situations.
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589
    I think there are (in global) two ways the avoide deadlocks.

    1.) Schedule specific periodes to batch run all deadlock activities. (post all orders very day at lunch and late in the afternoon). This would be the solution for avoiding deadlock created by large data.
    2.) Use workarounds when programming applications which will lock the system.

    One of the most used workarounds is temporary tabels. First save all the changes you would like to do, then write them back to the database locking the table as little as possible.
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