Bold as part of a string?

pettalpettal Member Posts: 20
Hi All,

I wondered if it is possible to set one word in a string to bold?


I am a pixie and I like my purchase from Walmart.

Or do I have to create a "Purchase" variable add the UpdateFontBold switch and sort of slot it into the text??

Just thought there might be a neater way?!



  • Revolution1210Revolution1210 Member Posts: 161
    No neat way to do this unfortunately. If it's a fixed piece of text you could sort of get away with it the way you describe, by slotting in a bolded word where required.

    Is this for a report or a form?
    A technical eye on Dynamics NAV
  • pettalpettal Member Posts: 20

    Yeah I sort of expected as much....I had hoped for a brief....erm second! :P

    It's a report unfortunately.

    Thanks anyway!
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