calculating date difference

asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
I have two different dates; date of birth and dead date, i need to calculate the difference and using that figure to calculating how much benefits should be paid, how can i do this please?


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    By subtracting Date1 from Date2 you will get an integer with the number of days.

    Age is Variable type Integer
    AgeInDays := "DeathDate" - "BirthDate";

    Your code might look something like this.

    If AgeInDays >= "YourSpecificBreakdown" then
    BenefitAmount := Something
    BenefitAmount := Something Else

    See This post for more code

    You can always divide by 365.2364 to get it to Years.

    You can adjust the code like this since days since last birthday is not what you're looking for.
    “Birth Date” - OnValidate
    IF "Birth Date" <>0D THEN BEGIN
    AgeInDays:= "Death Date" -"Birth Date"  ; //Returns number of days old
    AgeInYears:=(Age/365.2364);  //Returns number of years old as Decimal - Takes into Account Leap Years
    i:= STRPOS(FORMAT(AgeInYears),'.');
    IF i>0 THEN
       Agestr:= COPYSTR(FORMAT(AgeInYears),1,i-1)  //Return no of years old as string – removes decimal value
       Agestr:= FORMAT(AgeInYears);  //Return no of years old as string
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