Bin Contents

krvenkatakrvenkata Member Posts: 154

Is there any standard report available in NAV, where in i will be able to see the serial numbers available in a particular bin.

Supposing i have 10 qty of an item in a particular bin, i would like to know which all serial numbers exists in the Bin. '

The warehouse ledger entries does not have the bin code in it. SO i am not able to trace it.

Please help out



  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Warehouse Entry table has the bin code it it. You can track it thru
    Item Card - Item Button - Bin Contents - Look up Quantity field.

    It will show you the warehouse entries and the relevant information including bin code, zone code, item no. etc.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • krvenkatakrvenkata Member Posts: 154

    I am not getting the serial number wise details on the screen which you had given.

    The Serial number column is blank and also the quantity shows the entire quantity available on the BIN.

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    To see if a serial no. is available. In bin content, you can click on flowfilter button and set the flow filter to serial/lot no you want to see. This will filter the quantity field for serial no you want to find.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    If you want to see table with bins, lots etc. in one line, you need to use some buffer table (temporary table) and fill it by the values when needed. It is not available in one table in standard NAV. And yes, it is not good design of the Warehouse management module...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • krvenkatakrvenkata Member Posts: 154
    I am afraid whether i had made my requirement clear.

    My requirement is this...Upon choosing a BIN CODE, for an item i would like to know which are all the serial numbers are stored in that BIN.

    I did a reclassification entry, transferring 2 qty's of an item from one bin to another bin on the same location. During this transaction, i had assigned the same serial no in the new serial no field.

    So my client wants to know thru a screen or report, on a particular BIN, which are the serial no's stored for an item.

    Is this functionality available as out of box or do i need to do some customization.

    Thanks in Advance

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You need customization, because these informations are not there in this "single" format.

    You can use something like (just for your inspiration):
    ItemEntry.SETRANGE("Location Code",LocationCode);
      BinContentBuffer.SETRANGE("Location Code",LocationCode);
      BinContentBuffer.SETRANGE("Item No.",ItemEntry."Item No.");
      BinContentBuffer.SETRANGE("Lot No.",ItemEntry."Lot No.");
      BinContentBuffer.SETRANGE("Serial No.",ItemEntry."Serial No.");
      IF BinContentBuffer.ISEMPTY THEN BEGIN  //combination not processed yet
        BinContent.SETRANGE("Location Code",LocationCode);
        BinContent.SETRANGE("Item No.",ItemEntry."Item No.");
        IF ItemEntry."Lot No." <> '' THEN
          BinContent.SETRANGE("Lot No. Filter",ItemEntry."Lot No.");
        IF ItemEntry."Serial No." <> '' THEN
          BinContent.SETRANGE("Serial No. Filter",ItemEntry."Serial No.");
        IF BinContent.FINDSET THEN
            BinContent.CALCFIELDS("Quantity (base)");
            BinContentBuffer."Location Code" := BinContent."Location Code";
            BinContentBuffer."Bin Code" := BinContent."Bin Code";
            BinContentBuffer."Item No." := BinContent."Item No.";
            BinContentBuffer."Variant Code" := BinContent."Variant Code";
            BinContentBuffer."Unit of Measure Code" := BinContent."Unit of Measure Code";
            BinContentBuffer."Lot No." := ItemEntry."Lot No.";
            BinContentBuffer."Serial No." := ItemEntry."Serial No.";
            BinContentBuffer."Zone Code" := BinContent."Zone Code";
            BinContentBuffer."Qty. to Handle" := BinContent."Quantity (base)";
            BinContentBuffer."Qty. Outstanding" := BinContent."Quantity (base)"-KomAssigned."Quantity (Base)";
            BinContentBuffer."Production Date" := ItemEntry."Production Date";
        UNTIL BinContent.NEXT=0;
    UNTIL ItemEntry.NEXT=0;

    I am using this code (with some modifications) to fill the BinContentBuffer and show the content through it. May be there is some faster way, but because entries in Warehouse management has no "Open" flag, you need to calc sums for all of them. It is why I am using opened Item Ledger entries as base and counting the quantities just for these opened entries for the selected location.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Jay2007Jay2007 Member Posts: 50
    ara3n wrote:
    To see if a serial no. is available. In bin content, you can click on flowfilter button and set the flow filter to serial/lot no you want to see. This will filter the quantity field for serial no you want to find.

    Hi ara3n,

    I have tried using the Lot No. Flowfilter on this screen but it keeps returning 0 for any Lot No. I specifiy. I presume this is because the Lot No. field is blank in all records in the Warehouse Entry table. I am investigating this is Navison V5.0. Is this field actually populating for you?

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You need to have "Lot Warehouse Tracking" = Yes in the Item Tracking code to have lots in the warehouse module (bins). Else the Lot no is not populated...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Jay2007Jay2007 Member Posts: 50
    Ah rite !

    Thanks very much for that ! :mrgreen:
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