
XML problem

frankdynamicfrankdynamic Member Posts: 11

I want to import a XML file with a new XML-port. More then one of the element names has in the name the prefix : (example : <nl:Staffing>).

When I start the import with this code:


i got the error "The XML-parser returns the folowing fatal error:
Undeclared prefix.
Line number = 15 Cloumn number = 37.

if I delete the prefix : in the element names, the import is succesfull.

Does anyone know how to solve the problem with the prefix : in the element names



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    dbezzantdbezzant Member Posts: 10
    Did anyone solve this? I am running into a bunch of stupid errors with this XMLport object this being one of them.

    Is the XMLPort even vaiable as an option or should I just breakdown and learn how to use the DOM?
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    TFCrowtherTFCrowther Member Posts: 35
    I'm having the same problem with an XML file containing a load of : (colons)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    The solution I've used is to remove the : before the import the XML using some File commands.
    There is a good example here by jreynolds.


    Works a treat.
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