Yes, that is correct, once you partially ship an order, you cannot change the Bill to customer no. You will have to do modification both on Sales header and Sales line to accomplish what you are trying to achieve.
You need a developers license in the first place, then On the sales header go to the Bill to customer no. field and press F9, in the code rem the block shown below and the system will allow you to change the Bill to customer no.
{IF SalesLine.FIND('-') THEN
IF "Document Type" = "Document Type"::Order THEN
SalesLine.TESTFIELD("Quantity Shipped",0)
SalesLine.TESTFIELD("Shipment No.",'');}
thanks again for your immediately reply.
Yeah.... I have seen these code before, which caused this problem. But simply these block deactivate.. uhmm.. Are you sure?
Yes, i have done this modification for lot of clients and i have had no compliants about this modification. This is the only way you can change the Bill-to customer no. and also this is the only way you would avoid deleting the lines and retain the sales line intact.
If you do this modification, you have to remember that any quantities that exist on the Sales Order that have been shipped and not invoiced will be invoiced to the new Bill-to that exists on the Sales Order.
This also brings in data inconsistencies. If you ship an item (partial) you will have a Sales Shipment document that has the bill-to specified on the Sales Shipment Line table as whatever the bill-to was on the Sales Order when you posted that transaction. This means that the Get Shipment Lines functionality will filter on that bill-to when you try to create a Sales Invoice (with that specific bill-to). This differs from the Sales Invoice (Ship and Invoice) functionality which will post whatever quantity you want to ship or invoice to the new bill-to that you have changed on the Sales Order.
Customer: 10000
Item: 1000 - Bicycle (Quantity of 2).
1.) Ship one from the Sales Order screen
2.) Change the Bill-to to 2000
3.) Ship and Invoice the rest.
You will get 2 shipment documents, and one invoice. One shipment will have a bill-to that is old. One shipment will have the new bill-to. The Sales Invoice (only one is created) will be for the new bill-to customer.
I would hate to have my data in this state, but it looks to be only data unless you really wanted that one shipment to be invoiced to the old bill-to...then it is considered a bug.
It's a very fine line; hopefully this will give you enough information to make a change that seems appropriate to you.
Scott Frappier
Scott Frappier
Vice President, Deployment Operations
But can you tell me please what or which part shoud I modified? Can you show me the examples?
You need a developers license in the first place, then On the sales header go to the Bill to customer no. field and press F9, in the code rem the block shown below and the system will allow you to change the Bill to customer no.
{IF SalesLine.FIND('-') THEN
IF "Document Type" = "Document Type"::Order THEN
SalesLine.TESTFIELD("Quantity Shipped",0)
SalesLine.TESTFIELD("Shipment No.",'');}
{IF (xRec."Sell-to Customer No." = "Sell-to Customer No.") AND
(xRec."Bill-to Customer No." <> "Bill-to Customer No.")
RecreateSalesLines(FIELDCAPTION("Bill-to Customer No."));
thanks again for your immediately reply.
Yeah.... I have seen these code before, which caused this problem. But simply these block deactivate.. uhmm.. Are you sure?
Yes, i have done this modification for lot of clients and i have had no compliants about this modification. This is the only way you can change the Bill-to customer no. and also this is the only way you would avoid deleting the lines and retain the sales line intact.
This also brings in data inconsistencies. If you ship an item (partial) you will have a Sales Shipment document that has the bill-to specified on the Sales Shipment Line table as whatever the bill-to was on the Sales Order when you posted that transaction. This means that the Get Shipment Lines functionality will filter on that bill-to when you try to create a Sales Invoice (with that specific bill-to). This differs from the Sales Invoice (Ship and Invoice) functionality which will post whatever quantity you want to ship or invoice to the new bill-to that you have changed on the Sales Order.
Customer: 10000
Item: 1000 - Bicycle (Quantity of 2).
1.) Ship one from the Sales Order screen
2.) Change the Bill-to to 2000
3.) Ship and Invoice the rest.
You will get 2 shipment documents, and one invoice. One shipment will have a bill-to that is old. One shipment will have the new bill-to. The Sales Invoice (only one is created) will be for the new bill-to customer.
I would hate to have my data in this state, but it looks to be only data unless you really wanted that one shipment to be invoiced to the old bill-to...then it is considered a bug.
It's a very fine line; hopefully this will give you enough information to make a change that seems appropriate to you.
Scott Frappier
Vice President, Deployment Operations
Symbiant Technologies, Inc.