Customer data same for all companies

finderfinder Member Posts: 129

I have read a lot of comments why not to use data per company property and I've given up this one. But still I want to synchronize customer data over companies. I decided to make one global table for buffering not synchronized customers. Every time somebody inserts or modifies customer record it will be updated also in this table. I will use NAS to take care for inserting and modifying records into other companies from this buffer table. I think it could work properly only problem is that I have to buy as many NAS licenses as I have companies and it makes this project quite expensive. Could it be possible to use CU 1 and trigger LogInStart for this purpose? It means that every time somebody loggs into company program check if there are unsynchronized records in buffer table for this company and sunchronizes these records. What do you think about this solution, could it be reasonable?

Thank in advance,


  • cnicolacnicola Member Posts: 181
    Hi finder,

    The way I would do this is to setup a template company where all the customers are setup (and that is the only company you can make changes to them). Then everytime someone makes a change to a customer you copy the same values to the other companies by running code from OnInsert, OnModify, OnDelete. It is real time and does not need anything else.
    NAS should really be used for interfacing Navision to external systems not to its own companies.
    Apathy is on the rise but nobody seems to care.
  • finderfinder Member Posts: 129
    Maybe I didn't catch your idea but if I'm changing customer card in one company I cannot activate triggers in other companies (like OnInsert or OnModify) or did you think that I should copy code from these triggers and activate needed functions this way.
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    A master table for this can be a good solution but, I have never had issues with sharing the customer table.

    Just copy the No. Series objects and make a shared version and use this instead of the normal one. This way you can safely create customers in all companies.

    If you want to use CRM it get's more difficult...
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