Discount not showing by dimension.

stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29
Hope someone can help here....

I'm making a payment to a vendor and applying the payment against a number of invoices. All of the invoices have Dimension 1 against them (in this case, it relates to a branch of a retail outlet). All of the invoices have discount against them.

When I apply and post the payment, the discount goes to the correct GL account, however, the dimension doesn't show. (the invoices could relate to a number of dimension values)

Any ideas anyone?


  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Which Version of The DB are you running with ?
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29

    I'm running Naviaion 4.0 SP3, if that helps?

  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Well assuming you have setup all the posting accounts with dimension
    the payment will post with the dimension on the line of the payment, however if you have applied it to multiple invoice it should take the payment from there,

    Is it an issue of the invoices not having the dimensions existing also or that specific dimension values are not showing ?

    Does the payment discount account have this assigned to it as well although the global dimension should always be assigned
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29
    Posting accounts are all ok.....

    The invoice is showing on the application screen with the dimension attached to it.

    Looking at the GL account for the dimension, it posts the TOTAL discount. However, this discount could cover 3 or 4 different dimension. Ive set up the GL to have a mandatory dimension, but when I post the application, it says it needs a dimension code.

    It seems to take the difference between the payment and the allocation as the discount and ignore the fact the invoices have discount on them. What I want is the discount from the application screen to be posted to the GL and not the difference between payment and application.

    This is the same for vendors and customers
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Perhaps its easier to start from the begining,

    You have a payment to make to a vendor which covers several invoices yes ? I am assuming you are running suggest vendor payment with summarize option? when you are running this do you also tick the Find vendor discount ?

    If you do summarize by vendor do you also select a dimension to summarize by as well
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29

    I do a suggested vendor payment run which covers several invoices. I'm running the summerize option, by dimension and find discount.

    This now posts the discount to the correct GL account, with a dimension, which is what I was after......however......the invoices cover several dimensions and the discount is only showing as a total against one dimension. I need it to show the discounts across all dimensions.

    Hope that makes sense! :)
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    hmm I asuming you have a GL report or account schedule that is actually reporting on the discounts by dimension obviousbly analysis by dimension i assume.

    I am assuming you need to see the discounts granted to each dimension?
    EG the payment line discount is posted with 1 dimension only but you wish to see the discount seperated by dimensions and amount against that dimension

    You may be able create the same report against the vendor themselves as the original invoice or ledger entries will have the discounts show on them this may be an alternate way to produce the same report,

    but back to the GL if you have only 1 entry into the discount account it would be hard to seperate the discount amounts you could add the correct dimensions against the payment line but it would be against the value entries that you would find the information you are looking for,

    I assume you are paying with BACS, when you navigate on the discount GL line that is posted do you see the information you are looking for in the value entries, it may be you need to report against the figures shown there.
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    If you have a copy database i would try the following .

    1) create a normal bacs run without the summarize with find discounts make sure discounts exists and then post this and see if the multiple discount entries post with the required dimensions

    2) take off the summarize by dimension when you are running with suggest vendor payments

    I was speaking with the financial guru here and she was agreeing with this, you may find that you need to tweak the code otherwise,
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29
    That's great, realy appreciate your help today.

    I'm going to try this over the weekend and let you know how i got on.

    Many thanks......!!
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Any Luck ?

    I believe the essential problem is that you want to report on the Dimensions of the discount given to each invoice from the GL, however since you are making a single payment it is only giving a single discount against the grouped invoices, did the above suggestions help?
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29
    Not really much luck.

    I can get one branch in as a total discount in the GL, however, when the payment covers several dimensions, it still only shows the one amount.

    Do you think it's a code change? If so.....any ideas where?? Sorry to be a pain!
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Well i am bored at work today as the sales guys suck so i will play around with it,

    To summarize you have lots if discounts and you wish for each discount to show in the payments discount account but summarize by

    a) each dimension
    b)1 dimension but by value dimension ?
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29

    I'm not really bothered if it is summerised by dimension, as long as the discount is reported in the GL accounts with the correct dimensions.

    It's doing my head in!!

    Thanks for your help on this!
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Ok i got my brain working now.

    Firstly i got it posting across several dimensions in several different payment methods all the time when i did not summaarize by VENDOR or by VENDOR Dimension.

    You basic issue would appear to be you summarize by dimension against a vendor Help says the following
    Here you can select the dimensions by which you want to group the suggested payments. You get one suggested payment per combination of dimension values for each currency in which the vendor has ledger entries.

    So what you are actually doing is creating a summarizing line with that dimension only that is your basic issue.

    I am assuming Branch is your global dimension 1 ? yes

    you should only post the lines that carry the dimension you want, delete or filter out the rest etc, then run test report to see what dimension are actually being posted.

    Basically it works it just how you do it
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29
    I'm taking training today, but I'm going to test this tonight.

    I've been looking at this for sometime and it looks like it might now be cracked.

    I'll let you know tomorrow!!!! =D>
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Just an additional thought though is you have to ask the client how they pay the vendors though as somebanks charge per line on a BACS and if you now have to use payments without summarisation then you may find they don't like this, but i think its more important not to summarize by dimension and the application may :-k pass on the lines but i doubt it :(

    Interested to see if it solves your issue
  • stuart1266stuart1266 Member Posts: 29
    That's brilliant.....many thanks. I've got the Vendor sicounting working how I wanted it.I think the confusing thing form my side was not ticking the 'Find Vendor Discounts' radio button, when I actually want to find them!
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