Help regarding Order Tracking.

lallylally Member Posts: 323
Hi ,

I read reading Order Tracking. But i could not understand what is purpose of Order tracking. I am getting confused regarding Reservations and Order Tracking. Both are same ?

Could any body explain about order tracking with cool example.
what is difference between Order Tracking and reservation.

Thanks and regards


  • NavStudentNavStudent Member Posts: 399
    Reservation and Order Tracking have been implemented in the same way.
    They are both written in the same table, reservation Entry.
    The difference is that. Reservation entries are entered as "Entry type"::Reservation.

    Reservation is strict, and once you've reserved two entries, they shouldn't be used somewhere else. The reality is that it's not the case.
    I've seen users pick reserved serialized items and ship them for other orders, and then you are stuck with a mess.

    Order tracking is created when you run for example MRP. It matches all the demand against the supply. It's a soft reservation in that, if the item is sold on another order, the world won't come to an end specifically in 5.0.

    It's very poorly implemented feature. The idea was good, but it's impractical. You can search mibuso and find hundreds of threads on people having problems with it. The bad part is that users cannot access the table. So solution centers have to do the cleaning part. ](*,)

    What makes it worse is that they are using the same table for lot tracked and serialized items as well.

    What is even worse is that Warehouse management has its own tracking system and it doesn't follow inventory tracking/reservation.

    The entering of serialized or lot tracking form is horrible. I saw a client with 3.6 version and when he entered serial no in the form, and closed the form, and reopen it, the serial no would disappear. :bug:

    I would not implement reservation on Navision, unless you have the patients to fix the bugs.

    On giving you a cool example. If you reserve a sales order against a Purchase Order, and you receive the PO. The reservation/tracking entries will be redirected and the sales order will be reserved/tracked against item ledger entry.

    What would happen now if you transfer the item from location a to b? I've never tried, but it just gives you an example of how many possibilities there are and how it can all screw the reservation/tracking system.

    my 2 cents.
    my 2 cents
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