Problem to import Vendor from Ecel through Excel maping tool

KosmosKosmos Member Posts: 58
Hi everyone,
I am trying to import Vendor's data through Excel mapping.
First, I export blank xml file from Nav. 05 to Excel, than I fill it with data. When I try to import it back to Nav. 05 I see a message:

/This message if for C/AL programmers:
The call to member selectSingleNode failed.msxml6.dll returned the following message: Expression must evaluate to node-set.

If anyone knows how I can solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
Anna [-o<


  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    I have used the tool do you mean version 5.0 instead of 0.5?

    In version 4 this are issues with validation however in version 5.0 it works very well for me, instead of exporting as XML why not just export it to Excel as an EXCEL file and avoid the XML issue ?

    There are a few XML files/updates you need for version 5.0 have you got all of these installed?
  • KosmosKosmos Member Posts: 58
    Hello everyine again,
    I put away this problem for while, but today it occurs again.
    I see the above message again when importing Vendors. I don't change or modify Excel fields.
    When I am doing the same staff for Customer everything works successfully without any messages -1099 - Code.
    Can you advise me something?
    Thank you
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    I just did this in using the rim tool as well using excel which again is going to avoid any xml issue

    export the vendors first then change what you need to
  • KosmosKosmos Member Posts: 58
    Thank you for answer.
    Actually I am doing everything in accordance with RIM toolkit:
    1. I choose Vendor Table (ID -23), than I specify fields I want to migrate, than I export this file to Excel.
    2. In Excel I fill in the fields I specified and save the file.
    3. I press Function button and import from Excel.

    After that I see message: This message if for C/AL programmers:
    The call to member selectSingleNode failed.msxml6.dll returned the following message: Expression must evaluate to node-set.

    What is wrong with this Code????? #-o
    Thank you
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    HI Kosmos.

    This link might help a developer in your company ... .aspx#8571

    When i looked at this it seems most likely that it is an issue with a particular datafield within the information you are trying to import.

    The 1099 looks like your canadian GIFI codes or possibly postcodes there.

    Can you answer this questionn or try the following

    Have you tried this on a different machine with the latest XML updates on it. if this issue occurs on different machines (different excel, vista v XP etc) then you know it will probably be a data issue.

    Can you export every field in vendor table then import again with no data entry without incident?

    if you can do that then i would suggest looking for the data you are importing . are these customised fields
  • tenaciouskneetenaciousknee Member Posts: 1
    Hello !
    I have this same issue with the Vendor Table, and have also seen similar postings on the Dynamics User Group, with no solution.
    In NAV 5.0, I tried the simplest Export / Import possible for the Vendor table into Excel:
    -Vendor Code
    -Vendor Name

    Re-importing the Excel file results in the error listed at the top of this thread. During RIM's translation of Excel into XML, it finds a tag beginnig with a number (a no-no in XML), so it gives the error. However, the "1099" Tax field is unchecked, so it should be ignored by RIM.
    It seems RIM is looking at this field during the translation of Excel into XML, even though it is left unchecked for Export/Import.

    Are there any patches or workarounds to import Vendor Table data using RIM?

  • mhumhu Member Posts: 8
    I got the error, and I found i have a field "1099 Code" in vendor table, I rename this field to "X1099 Code", then everything goes well.

    Navision Consultant
  • lovejazzlovejazz Member Posts: 3
    I did something similar but I used the Excel buffer table to import into Excel and then wrote a report to read the Excel buffer table and update the Vendor table.

    Look at report 81 Import Budget from Excel for an example.
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