Restroing SQL BAckup through Enterprise Manager

SujaSuja Member Posts: 46
edited 2007-10-17 in SQL General

I have to restore the SQL backup (taken using SQL enterprise manager).
Am restoring using the SQL enterprise Manager Utility Only. My SQL backup consistes of 2 backup files 1) the backup of the data files 2) backup of the Log file(in 2 seperate folders). So while I restore is it necessary to restore both files or only data files will do. ..

Also when i select both files in one stretch it's giving error...what should be the way?

The new DB am trying to create is for Development/testing purpose. So need to restore ldf also?

Awaits advice..


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    If you want tor estore the db into point when complete backup was made, restorejust the DB backup. If you want to restore the DB into point of when LDF was backed up (or copied), restore the complete DB backup and after that restore the LDF. See SQL documentation for how to restore databases (it is whole section on MS SQL certification... :-))
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