One of our NSC, must show that we can make run Navision in a window Internet Explore, while connecting myself by HTTP.
He think that it is possible by using Windows Terminal Server or Citrix (He heard some spoken!) . If somebody can SHOW that, thanks for letting me know it.
Once again, it is necessary that he makes the demonstration today, which wants to say that it is necessary that he connects himself at his lead to show that it goes, he can do it starting from his portable which turns under XP.
If you have a solution, thank for a quick answer.
Here you can try out Navision using Internet Explorer or even full screen using Remote Desktop Connection.
But thanks a lot.
VBScript: Remotedesktop getrennt
Der angegebene Remotecomputer wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den richtigen Computernamen bzw. die richtige IP-Adresse eingegeben haben, und weiderholen Sie den Vorgang
and after i have a white page