New Multiple Subform Sample

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2009-04-21 in Download section
New Multiple Subform Sample
Multiple subform sample without single-instance CU.

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  • DoomhammerDoomhammer Member Posts: 211

    thanks to author. I have to do similar form with 2 subforms, so I can use this ;-). If I'll be succesful, I will let you know ;-)

    thanks again.
    Martin Bokůvka, AxiomProvis
  • Nav_NoobNav_Noob Member Posts: 25

    Thanks for the helpful example. I'm new to NAV and these forums so I hope it's ok for me to bump such an old post. I'm wondering if it would be possible to do something like this using temporary tables. For example, if I have some temporary tables (order, line, detail) available in the sales order stats. form and I put a button on that form, would I be able to open a form from the button click and pass those temporary tables to my form so they could be displayed in a similar manner? Any suggestions would be a great help.

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. :-k
  • Nav_NoobNav_Noob Member Posts: 25
    Savatage wrote:
    I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. :-k

    Hi Savatage,

    Sorry for not being more clear but thank you for your interest...

    I have a code unit that contains some temporary tables (related in classic order/line/detail fashion). I run my code unit and populate those temporary tables on the "Sales Order Stats." form (10038). I'd like to add a button to the "Sales Order Stats." form which will open a read-only form that displays the data in my temporary tables. The form that I open on the button click would look similar to what is shown in this downloadable sample. This is what I'm trying to achieve but I'm not sure if it's possible using temporary tables or if I'll need to copy the data to permanent records first. Any suggestion on how to achieve this would be a great help.

  • Nav_NoobNav_Noob Member Posts: 25
    I was able to answer the question myself. Yes it is possible, I just needed to populate the temporary table on my form when the form opened and everything else worked exactly the same. Thanks again for this helpful download.
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