Fixed Assets & Reversing Variable

bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

I'm looking at ways of fulfilling these user needs:

- They build their own fixed assets.

- It can take up to three years to complete an asset.

- Every month-end they make accrual entries debiting the value of the asset based on the stage of the construction.

- The entries are reversed at the beginning of the next month.

Sounds like a job for Reversing Variable journal batches.

I'm setting one up and when I run a test report I get the error:
Recurring method must not be RV Reversing Variable when Account Type = Fixed Asset.

Kinda disappointing - I was hoping to set them up with the batches they will need and make their month-ends easy.

Can anyone suggest how to do this without running into this error? (Like, do I have to post directly to the yunderlying GL account?)

Thank's in advance.



  • cnicolacnicola Member Posts: 181
    Hi Bob,

    I would think that you just do postings directly to the underlying account.
    And yes you would be using reversible journals.
    Apathy is on the rise but nobody seems to care.
  • bhalpinbhalpin Member Posts: 309

    Thank's for answering.

    I'll have to experiment with this. One point I forgot to mention is that they begin depreciating assets before final costs replace the accruals. (This happens out of necessity - the asset goes into service before all of the final billings are received - sometimes over a year before.)

    So, I have to see if I post accruals directly to the GL account whether depreciation is based on the GL value including the accruals (the desired value) or the asset value. (I'm pretty sure I know how this will play out ...)

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