How it's filtering particular sales lines

hansikahansika Member Posts: 373
Hi Nav Experts,

I am planning to learn navision.
We have a sales invoice report . It has two data items main.
1. Sales invoice Header 2. Sales Invoice Line.
I would like to know How system attaches particular sales invoice header to particularsales invoice line in report.

That means I created sales order With no 1234 with some lines and Posted , then Sales invoice header Number is 12345.In sales invoice report I selected header no 12345. then report generated .How it is taking exact sales lines what created for that invoice. I want that code . How , where it is filtering that particular lines in report..I checked sales invoice report and in each dataitem. But i could not find.

I am very curious to know that code. #-o

thanks and regards


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Look at the Sales Line data item and go to properties. You'll see a property called data item link. This shows you the fields that match between the sales header and the sales lines.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    Take a look at the standard Invoice report and see how that works.
  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Hi Mattrex,

    I hve a small question regarding Dataitem Link Property.
    Dataitem link property is working based on flow filter ? Could u explain.

    Thanks and regards
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973

    Dataitem Link property is used to link two dataitems where dataitems have parent-child like relationship. In the dataitem link property the linking between the parent and child is defined like Sales Header "No." and "Sell to Customer" is matched with the fields in the Sales Line whcih gets the filtered data.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • hansikahansika Member Posts: 373
    Thanks Mattrax,

    I found that one.
    One more small issue. I creted a sales order . Then that header will store in sales header and lines will store in sales line.
    I noticed some fields in sales line in table , these are document type , document no, sell to customer no.
    How these fields are storing in sales line table, that means where is code in sales line table. I searched for that code in sales line table.. I could not find.
    I am learning navision .so kindly help to improve my study.

    thanks and regards
  • jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    As it sounds like you're new to Navision development here's something you could try to track down the filters being applied. Place this code somewhere where you are trying to find out which filters are in use and change it to use your record variable (note that i should be defined as a local integer variable).
    for i := 1 to 255 Do Begin
      RecordVariable.Filtergroup := i;
      if not confirm('Filter Group: %1\Has Filters: %2',true,i,RecordVariable.Getfilters) then error('');

    This code highligts how to change filtergroups and highlights the different values that can be in them. For more help on filtergroups see the C/Side Reference Guide (press F1 when you're in a code window).
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.
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