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Is it possible to have a page count function while preview or printing an report?
For requirements of a tax office we need to print something like "Page 1 of 12" at the page header.
The only thing we can find is PAGENO which shows the page number.
Thanks in advance for any help or hint.
Best regards
No its not possible in Navision.
If somebody got a solutuion for this please contact me. But as far as I know it is impossible.
If you hear or read any hints please let me know!
Just kidding...!! You cannot.
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Maybe something more useful before Xmas?
It is not possible to know the total number of pages because of the report engine. Navision a/s (now Micorsoft Business Solution...) had to completely change the structure of the object in order to implement that functionality, so they never do anything. In Italy we had a great problem during the localization because of this problem but we didn't do anything...
Nice Christmas,
Microsoft Certified Trainer
I've found a way to do this but please note that this is only a work around and I suggest you only do this if the client is really not willing to budge on the page counter issue.
If you look at Report 405 you will notice that they inserted a Copy Loop before the Page Loop. Now one way would be to force the system to do a exstra copy loop and on the first Copy loop count the number of pages but do not display the sections of the report. On the second loop you would then display the Total Page Counter combined with PAGENO.
Hope this helps
Best Regards
Thank you very much for the information.
We will have a look at this and try to use this solution too.
We have to do this because of a national law in europe we had to print the total number of pages on each official paper.
Crazy things...
If you have an Italian Database you can see the report 12111.
I know that is a really not fantastic solution, but was the only one to satisfy the financial lows!
Microsoft Certified Trainer
Unfortunately we haven't an italian version of the DB.
Is it possible to explain explain exactly what the solution in Italy is?
We have lots of problems now with our french branch and the french fiscal authorities because of the pagecounter. We need a solution there urgently. So every help is very welcome!
Maybe we have some french readers here too?
Thanks in advance for all your help!!!
Best regards
This is one of the most asked questions in the world of Navision.
Try this thread
Our programmer is out of office this week. Now i try to prepare a soution best as i can.
Can someone explain how to run a report two times? What to do and where?
I'm so thankful for all your help!!