Problem with subcontracting worksheet

buchhotbuchhot Member Posts: 116
Hi Navision-Pro's and Gurus!

We use Navision 4.0 SP2 and have this strange behaviour in Navision.

We are manufacturer and sometimes use subcontracting, so we send some partially produced items to a subcontrator which also works on it and sends it back to us.

So we got 1 producion order, we use the subcontracting worksheet to create the necessary purchase orders (which we will send to the subcontractor with the partially finished items).

We get the purchase orders but then I cannot create any warehouse activity lines, Navision always tells me that
"Qty. per Unit of Measure must not be 0 ...."
After checking that, I saw that in fact the "Qty. per UoM" is 0 :shock: so I cannot create any Inventory Pick Lines.
When I post the purchase order manually everything works fine.
I know that the purchased item is not posted through the purchase order, it comes from the production order.
But is there any way to get an inventory pick because we got big trouble with this concerning our standard workflow. ](*,)

Many thanks in advance

Thomas Buchholz
Thomas Buchholz
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz


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