We are running Navision 3.70 and using Citrix XPa SP3/FR3 servers. We are also running Outlook XP on the same Citrix Servers. We have implemented Outlook Integration in Navision. We can set appointments for salesman and it automatically flows to their Outlook. Cool stuff.
We have a small problem though.
The database is in the Central time zone and we have MANY users in the Eastern time zone (+1 Hour). So if someone in the East Coast schedules an appoinment for a salesman at 11:00 am in the morning in Attain 3.70, it flows to their Outlook and shows up as a 12:00 appoinment. The salesman then shows up an hour late to the appoinment.
That seems to be a problem that we should be able to solve. Database in Central Timezone, Outlook set to the timezone of the user, which in many cases is Easter Time zone.
Any ideas?