Hi: my company is using Navision Attain v3.6 on SQL Server. It seems very easy to access data from the SQL server except I can't figure out how to access the flowfield data. For example I'd like to access the customer's current balance. And later an item's inventory availability.
Is the data in separate tables?
Is it possible to access via VB.NET?
If you don't create SIFT tables for calculating FlowFields then I cannot help you!
Just read the manual in order to know how is the structure of a SIFT table.
Microsoft Certified Trainer
well first of all you can't Access the Flowfield, because they are Runtime calculated field. therefore they only exist if you work with them in navision.
But you could use the NAS (Navision Application Server) to Acces these Fields. If you are planning to do this, i could helo you a little more.
The method of using the sift tables is a bit complicated. And i don't really know if you can access these tables. But if you can, then just go ahead
Krishna, with VB.NET you can use C/font dll, or C/OCX, seek for the appropriate documentation in the Attain CD.
Check out my NAV blog http://opennav.wordpress.com/
well first of all, the NAS is not more than a Navision CLient without the Graphickal Interface. In Codeunit 1 you can implement different Procedures for the NAS. The Function ist called NAS Handler.
You can describe what the NAS has to do when it gets incoming querys from Outside Navision.
Just to give you a small Example. You sad you wanna have the Balace for a specific Customer.
First of all we need to establish a connection. I'm using a Socket Connection.
This is the codeunit:
The other Code is a PHP Code which sends the Number 10000 to Navision
Hope this helps a bit. Its Quite easy to work with Navision from Outside the Program. This Example runs without the NAS. The NAS implementation would just be another step. You would have to change CU 1.
Because right now, you only get the Balance(LCY), but if you want Navision to do more you just have to add SOme Parameter to CU1.
For Example: If the NAS gets the Parameter SBA it runs the Codeunit "Socket Server".
And you can define x Parameter, so just try it an have fun.
Hope that helps a bit, to understand the COnnection Problems
Otherwise just let me know and I will help some more.
Very interesting examples, sabato (uh, my name is domenico and for the italian language is the next day after sabato! I mean, sabato=saturday, domenica=sunday...curious, isn't it?).
But some problems still remain... there's no simple way to get from sql server the flowfields as in navision native db.
...Damn it! :evil:
Check out my NAV blog http://opennav.wordpress.com/
Another way is you do a Subselect Query to the SQL Database. Just create a query like Navision would do anyways.
Well this is not working properly but something like this should help you.
This is an SQl Query, but it doesnt work right know, but something like this schould do it, the only problem is the performance. It takes quite a while to load the site then.
Maybe you can fix my problem, but I dont have all the time to fix the query problem right now.
Like usal -> hope this helps
Yeah its quite a coinsidence with the name. But very funny. How's it going in italy anyways (temparture?).
// edit something
I agree,
but i haven't NAS and (for me) NAS is another cost for the customers.
My task is to simplify the life of my customers' internal EDPs, to reach that goal the simplest way is to build some stored procedures or views for them.
I hope that MBS will develop a sort of C/ODBC driver that will see all the flowfield in a simple way for SQL server, too. :roll:
In Italy it's cold now, but in south italy (where i live) a little less, 10° C at now.
Check out my NAV blog http://opennav.wordpress.com/