MSMQ license

mrsmrs Member Posts: 3
edited 2003-12-11 in Navision Attain
Hi all, I hob that all you experts can help me… I have a question about license and MSMQ… which Attain license cover the use of MSMQ.. ????


  • snepotesnepote Member Posts: 3
    MSMQ license have nothing to do with Attain but It's part of Windows NT/2000 license. 8)
    I'm using MSMQ & COM+ with Attain, but it doesn't works as well as I wish. Using MSMQ events may cause NAS restarting or service stop. Navision should solve this bad documented and 'no error message at all' problem asap.

    will see.

    :twisted: saludos,
  • mrsmrs Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the replay. I know MSMQ is part for windows… I looking for answer about Attain… du I need session, NAS, forms, tables etc.
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