Blanket order to Sales order

reemareema Member Posts: 255
Hi masters,

I created a Blanket order with different shipments like this
sales line :10000 Item : 1000 Shipment date : 09/29/07
sales line :20000 Item :1000 shipment date :10/01/07
salesline :30000 item : 1150 shipment date :10/09/07
to customer 10000.
Now i want convert only sales line 10000 with Shipment date : 09/29/07 to sales order.How it is possible.

What my problem is when i select make to order in Blanket order 3 sales lines convert in to sales order.
I think this is not the correct way.Iam waiting for u r valuable suggestions.
Can someone please help me to figure this issue out ? ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Thanks and regards


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    On blanket order line there is a field called quantity to ship. Only enter the quantity for the line you want to create a sales order.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    As standard Navision will create ALL the lines, so if you have 10 and only want to create the order for 1 you set the quantity to ship to 0 on 9 lines, but these are still created on the sales order. You would need to modify this.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257

    To change the behavior. Modify CU 87 "Blanket Sales Order to Order"

    //Start Mod 1
    BlanketOrderSalesLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Ship",'<>%1',0);
    //End Mod 1
    IF BlanketOrderSalesLine.FINDSET THEN
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Thank u ara3n & Adam roue,

    Thanks for u r suggestions & solutions,
    ara3n, I am new bee to navision. I much don’t know about coding. So could explain where I have to write this code, do I need to define variables. So throw some detail explanations.

    I hope u can understand my problem.

    Thanks in advance.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Do you have a developer license? This can only be done with a developer license.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Thank u very much ara3n,

    I am learning navision and coding on navision. I have developers license.
    I can to design mode and i can write code if u providE.

    so now u can give detail explanation to me to solve this problem.

    I will be waiting for u r solution. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

    thamks and regards
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257

    tool->object designer->codeunit button-> Search for codeunit 87.->design button.

    on 10th line you need to add a new line and add the code
    /Start Mod 1
    BlanketOrderSalesLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Ship",'<>%1',0);
    //End Mod 1 

    i strongly urge you to read the developer's guide pdf.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Thank U very much ara3n,
    I have done what u say. Still Blanket.O is working previous way. There is no change.
    Let me explain one more time.
    Suppose my customer 10000 send a blanket order then I entered in navision like this.
    sales line :10000 Item : 1000 qty =100 q.t.ship = 100 Shipment date : 09/29/07
    sales line :20000 Item :1000 qty =100 q.t.ship = 100 shipment date :10/01/07
    salesline :30000 item : 1150 qty =100 q.t.ship = 100 shipment date :10/09/07
    Now i selected only sales line 10000 and press make to order.
    Then only Sales order has to create with that line only. Should not come other lines.
    Which line i select that line only has to convert order. Remainig lines has to stay in Blanket order
    So please tell what's went wrong ? Am i do any mistake in creation of Blanket order?

    So please provide suggestion................. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

    thanks in advance
  • idiotidiot Member Posts: 651
    sales line :10000 Item : 1000 qty =100 q.t.ship = 100 Shipment date : 09/29/07
    sales line :20000 Item :1000 qty =100 q.t.ship = 100 shipment date :10/01/07
    salesline :30000 item : 1150 qty =100 q.t.ship = 100 shipment date :10/09/07
    Now i selected only sales line 10000 and press make to order.
    Then only Sales order has to create with that line only. Should not come other lines.
    Which line i select that line only has to convert order. Remainig lines has to stay in Blanket order
    So please tell what's went wrong ? Am i do any mistake in creation of Blanket order?

    The way to achieve this (incorporating the code provided previously) is to enter only qty to ship for that line you are interested in converting to SO while the other lines have qty to ship = 0
    NAV - Norton Anti Virus

    ERP Consultant (not just Navision) & Navision challenger
  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Thanks Ara3n & Idiot,

    Idiot wrote like this
    "The way to achieve this (incorporating the code provided previously) is to enter only qty to ship for that line you are interested in converting to SO while the other lines have qty to ship = 0"
    Now i tried as u suggested like below
    sales line :10000 Item : 1000 qty =100 q.t.ship = 0,Shipment date : 09/29/07
    sales line :20000 Item :1000 qty =100 q.t.ship = 0, shipment date :10/01/07
    salesline :30000 item : 1150 qty =100 q.t.ship = 0, shipment date :10/09/07
    Now i selected only sales line 10000 and press make to order.
    Again it is taking remaining two lines to sales order.
    Ithink this also not giving correct result.

    How to solve this one?
    Ara3n throw some help........
    please..................... ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

    thanks and regards
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    In codeunit 86 add also the following code in the place below.

    SalesOrderHeader."Ship-to Contact" := "Ship-to Contact";

    BlanketOrderSalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type");
    BlanketOrderSalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.","No.");
    //Start Mod 01
    BlanketOrderSalesLine.SETFILTER("Qty. to Ship",'<>%1',0);
    //End Mod 01

    FromDocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Sales Line");
    ToDocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Sales Line");

    I've tested this and it works.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Thank U very Much Ara3n,

    U r great =D>
    I had put u r valuable code in that place what u suggested me. Now it is working.

    A small request is it possible to delete that line which convert to order.because i put quantiy to ship =100 in sales line =100, now i convert that line to order. After order made still that line in Blanket oder.

    Thanks and regards.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    how about you try and think where you should put the code and post it in here and we will confirm if it's right?

    I can't give you all the answers. Otherwise you won't learn anything.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • reemareema Member Posts: 255
    Thanks Ara3n,

    I will follow u r valuable suggestion.I will be back to u if i get any prob.

    Thanks and regards
  • Krupa143Krupa143 Member Posts: 4
    I have create the sales quote with same functionality like blanket order when we make order in sales quote the order is being created when we open sales order n post the qty that i shipped is not geting updated in sales quote . Does any 1 have suggestion please tell me
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