I want to maintain seperate sales order number whenever any user form different warehouse create any SO. We have 10 warhouse in 10 diff. location. And we want 10 types of SO number seq. to seperate the order. Is there any option to set these settings in Axapta.
Read in the direction of NumberSequenceGroup table.
In order to enable Grouping, you have to add this line into the loadModule Method of NumberSeqReference_SalesOrder class.
numRef.dataTypeId = typeId2ExtendedTypeId(typeid(SalesId));
numRef.configurationKeyId = configurationKeyNum(logisticsBasic);
numRef.referenceHelp = literalStr("@SYS53946"
numRef.WizardManual = NoYes::No;
numRef.WizardAllowChangeDown = NoYes::No;
numRef.WizardAllowChangeUp = NoYes::No;
numRef.sortField = 1;
//This line below
numRef.GroupEnabled = NoYes::Yes;
Then you have to fill the NumberSequenceGroup table with your locations.
Then go to the setup of number sequences for customer module and setup 10 number sequences (created beforehand) for each of the locations (you have to press the GROUP button on the numberSeq tab)
When you select the corresponding location in the sales order header (SalesTable.NumberSequenceGroup), the corresponding number sequence will be used.
My blog - http://kashperuk.blogspot.com
MorphX IT in Russian - http://www.lulu.com/content/723888
Inside Dynamics AX 4.0 in Russian - http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3714582
As I am not a technical guy, thus I have to talk with my Technical perosn for the same.