Current Location of Serial Number

krasi_varna_77krasi_varna_77 Member Posts: 34
Hi I want to find where one Serial Number is currently. Some Locations has bin Mandatory. where is information about it. In one table or more than one table


  • darshanmdarshanm Member Posts: 280
    Open the Item card=>Go to Item menu button=>Entries=>item Tracking entries.

    Filter the lines on Sr. no you want to find and remaining Qty >0.

    and check the location.
    Darshan Mungekar
    Senior Consultan
  • krasi_varna_77krasi_varna_77 Member Posts: 34
    this is fine, but if the serial number has transfer from one Bin in Warehouse to other bin in same warehouse that is no change Item Ledger Entry
  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    From the item ledger entries navigate to the warehouse ledger entries. These can be considered a strange beast and it is the structure of the bins and serial number information that causes issues here, but if you have a look here you can see the serial number and bin on the same line, it is then just understanding this information.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • krasi_varna_77krasi_varna_77 Member Posts: 34
    I filtred Item ledger entry
    SETRANGE("Posting Date",FromDate,StatusDate);

    IF "Item Ledger Entry"."Serial No." <= ' ' THEN

    IF RemainingQty = 0 THEN


    where I must link to the Warehouse entry
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    You can't really link it - linking by Document No. and Item No. is not reliable enough and there isn't anything else.

    Forget about linking. Simply look at that item ledger entry of the serial no that has remaining quantity. If it's a non-bin warehouse, throw the location code on the report. If it's a bin warehouse, forget the item ledger entry and just throw the last (by entry no.) warehouse entry of the serial no. there.

    But I have a general suggestion. Standard Serial or Lot tracking in Navision simply sucks if used with Bins. It's very badly designed. I never used serial tracking, but I used lot tracking a lot (it's almost the same, serial is easier as quantity is always 1), and what I did is I created a new table called Stock By Bin and Lot and which is similar to Bin Contents: it's key is Location, Bin, Item No, Lot no, and has a quantity flowfield for summing up warehouse entries by these four fields. (I could have just extended the standard Bin Contents but it was cleaner this way). When a wareouse entry is posted, in the registering codeunit I create the entry into this table if it does not exist. And that's it. From that on that table is *the* inventory table. It's used for everything, stock reports, picking lists, physical inventory, or just throw on the form and have the users filter it any way they want. Very useful. Should be standard. You should do this, with the only difference of having the serial no. instead of the lot no. It requires a bit of work but saves a lot more future work.
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