Apply Ledger Entries from different Locations

Debbie140Debbie140 Member Posts: 52
edited 2007-09-22 in Navision Attain
The issue I have starts with transfering negative stock. I know this problem has been discussed before on this forum but I have a specific problem releated to it.

I have a client that wants to be able to transfer items where they don't have any in stock. (Don't ask...long story and they won't be talked out of it!. I'd much rather they looked at their business process but I've no joy in discussing this with them)

The Reclass Journal will (of course) not allow this. I have been able to use the Item journal to create a negatice and positive line to move the stock but this throws the costing out.

To try to get around this I have tried to post the positive line first and the apply the negative line to it. This then creates 2 ILE lines with the correct costs but it changes the location of both lines to the 'to-location'. I have alreday made a mod to CU 22 to stop the error message that tests that both locations are the same. I am assuming it changes it as applying to an entry form another location is not allowed? Is it possible to apply an entry to one with another location code?

(Any other solutions to the negative/stock issue would also be gratefully received!)


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 924
    Item cost adjustment with manual application only works within one location. The application is either created automatically when the item movement is posted ( depending on the costing method FIFO or LIFO) or you can override it by entering this Entry no. manually, but the principle remains unchanged.

    You can't transfer negative stock because a positive Item Ledger Entry marks the starting point for cost adjustment. If there is negative stock in location A there is no way to know the correct cost to use in Location B. An open negative Item leder Entry always has an assumed avergage cost, not the actual cost, even if you see a value in "Cost Amount (Actual)". This is then an assumed average invoiced cost, but not the real invoiced cost.
    This requires a purchase or positive adjustment in Location A, followed by the cost adjustment routine. Then the "Cost Amount (Actual)" flowfield drill down will show additonal value entries created by the cost adjustment which alter this fields value.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I would never go into this change. It will be source of big problems which can lead to ennoyance and loss of confidence. It is better (but I do not know all aspects of your decision) to hold ground in this and try to make another way around. It will prevent you and your customer from problems created by this...

    Everything can be solved in more than one way and you need to solve their request with something other. I know, that it can be very hard to push through something different, but I hope that I am not alone when say that this is not the way... =;
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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