US Sales Tax and Tax Area Primary key

AEklundAEklund Member Posts: 13
edited 2007-09-16 in Navision Financials
There apparantly are many options for the primary key on Tax area.

The Natural key:

Zip - City - County - (Flag for In/Out city) - (Flag for in/out Local)

Basic issue is that the two flags on the end are needed cause there are some specials, and zip is not unique unless you include city and county.. (Zip can span multiple cities, and zip can span multiple counties)..

1. The Natural length ofthe key in navision is 10-20, not 40-60 bytes. THe natural key is too big..
2. Assigning a particular customer/shipto to a tax area needs to be easy.
3. Setting up all of the tax areas and linking them to the tax jurisdictions needs to be easy..

1. Several vendors have a made up "code" that identifies a zip-city-county. This can be based on the FIPS code(county), Zip code, and a made up key to reflect the rest of it..

2. We might be able to use zip+4 to take on the first part of it.. Zip+4 plus the two flags make a unique code..

What has anyone used out there?
Allan Eklund
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