Running Navision 3.10. In our old office we used to do backups on a daily basis. We would goto Tools -> Backup. It would create a backup and we'd zip it up to save some space.
Since moving to our new office we got a new server because our old tape drive was defective. Since then we were told we don't need to do the backups because the new tape drive was large enough to do it all.
We have seperate computers for each of us in the office, we have a Windows 2003 SBS for network storage, then we have a seperate machine with Navision on it.
Well, it's been a year and a half and due to me accidentally deleting an Excel file off our network drive we notice that the backup is not backing up that network drive nor our Navision server! I guess that was an error of the consultant we hired.
So, for the past year and half we've had no Navision backups and if anything goes wrong we're screwed.
We were told that the only way to do backups is to manually do them by telling everyone to get out of Navision and then going to TOOLS -> BACKUP.
I think the person who told us this doesn't know what she's talking about and you should be able to automatically set Navision to do backups on a daily basis at a certain time.
Is this possible and how do I do so?
Is it split of just 1 large file?
SQL or Native?
I would totaly get people out and backup if you haven't done it in a year and just noticed it. just to extra safe.
for Us I have been using the DW NavBackup - Navision Backup Tool free from the download section..
but once a month I copy the entire database file (Like copy:c:\database.fdb to e:\database.fdb) to an externall drive for extra protection.
It's pretty inexpensive $140 plus you would have to zip to save space 320GB is a enough usually ... caid=17260
I'm sure everone does there backups a bit different. I like multiple copies in different places just as a fail safe.
1 – Stop Navision Service. Copy Navision database files. Start again Navision service
2 – Use hotcopy tool.
3 – Use a send keys software. I already had seen a backup being made using this method and worked quite well during a few years.
Freelance Dynamics AX
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