Windows Task Manager

NagiNagi Member Posts: 151

Is it possible using the windows task manager to schedule a daily execution of Nav at a specified time?

Initially, I simply tried executing finsql.exe, but the program simply ran as a background service. This is not something I want. Therefore, I tried executing finsql.exe via a .bat file. This, however, caused some unexpected results. First, if I ran the .bat file manually, everything worked as I wanted. But, if I ran it through windows task scheduler it would enter a loop and execute finsql.exe until the client's max user limit was reached. Second, finsql.exe would still run as a background service even though it wouldn't do that if I launched the .bat file manually.

Reading through some of the similar topics on this forum tells me that NAS scheduler is the preferred choice when scheduling tasks in Nav, but I would really like to do it with the windows task manager (easier for the client), and I'm boggled at why this should be so difficult.

Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated.



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