After having been working with MS CRM 3.0 for a couple of months now, we've come across a problem we can't figure out...
Two weeks ago we deleted some of the default security roles from the system, since we weren't using them and we wanted to replace them with our own... So we erased them in order not to have so many unused roles around.
The thing is that since then we're not able to create any new entity types anymore. We always get an error while the "creating entity" message is displayed. By activating tracing on the server and thoroughly studying the error messages obtained, we found out that the system tries to associate the new entity type to the default security roles, no matter if they exist or not. We tried this all on the virtual machine with MS CRM integrated that's available for download from Microsoft, and our conclusions seem to be right indeed, since after deleting a single role, we can't create any new types anymore.
So the question is, does anyone know of a possible way to restore those default roles to the system? We've found out that the role templates are still in our database, in the RoleTemplateBase table of the MSCRM database... We would need to get them back into the RoleBase table...
Thank you very much.