Manufacturing: Processing 1 product with 2 or more output

Stefan_VerweyStefan_Verwey Member Posts: 18
edited 2004-01-08 in Navision Attain
The client where I am now is a Maize Milling Corporation.
I need to find out how to set up a BOM for the raw material where the corn goes into processing and they get 3 products out: Fine Grain Maize Meal, Medium Grain Roller Meal and the Bran.

The normal BOM setup is for one product as the result of the manufacturing processing where 2 or more products get processed into one resulting product.

Now in my case I need to actually reverse the BOM setup, where I actually need to negative manufacture the end product to get positive output on the BOM items.
I had tried to setup a BOM with negative quantities on the BOM lines and it does give me positive output if I manufacture the Raw Material, but the problem is that I need to get a negative consumption on the Raw Material and not a positive output.

This is a typical refinery manufacturing process where you get a product and 1 or more by-products from the result of manufacturing.

Any ideas to address this issue?


  • mstallmannmstallmann Member Posts: 138
    Stephan, Thank you for helping me on my topic, I will give it a shot.

    As far as your question goes , I am not certain how to handle it. I think Navision might fall short of handling your problem automatically. However, you might be able to produce the results you are looking for using manual consumption and manual output. Also, it sounds like you also may want to use manual consumption, as you may not be sure on the total output of the production order. You might also want to check out the Partner Source web site to see if there are any addons for refineries. Other than than that, or writing something custom, I am not sure what your other options are....mike
  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589

    I'm not really a manufacturing speciallist, I'm just the simple developer. But...

    As I see it, you would like to have the following if you would use (just) the BOM functionality without the use of manufacturing in Navision.

    A Dummy item would have the following BOM:
    -- Fine Maize Meal, qty -1
    -- Medium Grain Roller Meal, qty -1
    -- Bran, qty -1
    -- corn, qty 3

    If you no explode this BOM it should change your dummy item to a text line and add all components to the (for example) the BOM journals.

    If you would like to use the manufacturing module, I suggest something like following:

    A dummy item would have the following BOM:
    -- Fine Maize Meal, qty 1
    -- Medium Grain Roller Meal, qty 1
    -- Bran, qty 1

    Every item in this BOM has a BOM with the corn in it.

    Fine Maize Meal
    -- Corn, qty 1
    Medium Grain Roller Meal
    -- Corn, qty 1
    -- Corn, qty 1

    Important is that the field "Manufactering Policy" is "Make to Order" on the items Fine Maize Meal, Medium Grain Roller Meal, Bran.

    When you know make a Production order for you dummy item the production order lines will show your dummy item, Fine Maize Meal, Medium Grain Roller Meal, and Bran. Now make sure you set the qty of the dummy item in the lines to 0, or develop somthing that this line isn't shown or isn't inserted into the lines. Finilize, post and all other stuff you need to do to get the job done.

    This should work. I've tested it.

    Good luck! Next time, I'll send you a invoice ;)

    Kind regards,

    Emiel Romein
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
  • Stefan_VerweyStefan_Verwey Member Posts: 18
    Thanks to a very nice Manufacturing Consultant, here is the answer.
    He had put me on track with Families as clue, to be used.
    The rest was figure out the hard way.

    For each component produced from the maincomponent, there must be a BOM with a 1:1 ratio between the maincomponent and it's produced component.

    Make use of the Families option under Manufacturing's Setup.

    Create a Familie Card for the Group of items that will come out together from this manufacturing process.
    On the Family Card's Lines:
    List the maincomponent and it's qty to be consumed as negative.
    List all the components produced and their qty output as positive.

    Should you use 1000kg from the main component then the lines should look like this:
    Corn (Used) -1000kg
    Fine Grain Meal (Produced) 650kg
    Medium Grain Meal (Produced) 200kg
    Bran (Produced) 149kg
    Spillage (Produced) 1kg

    On the Release Production Order Source Type you select Families.
    Should you need to produce 100 000kg then you enter that as your Qty to be produced and the lines will be accordingly after the Refresh.
    Your Base Unit of Measure should be KG for all the items in this regard.

    I hope Navision will now update their Training Documentation with this example on Families

    Stefan Verwey "Never give up when there is a solution to be figured out"
  • srini_shettysrini_shetty Member Posts: 15
    Hi Stefan,

    You need Process Manufacturing Solution to solve your problem. Using Process Manufacturing Solution, you can produce more than one item in a single production order, namely Co-products, by-products. The costing will also be different for all the poducts produced.

    Using family you can't create an workaround.

    All the best !

    Srinivas Shetty
  • mstallmannmstallmann Member Posts: 138
    Srinivas, I was just trying to figure out how to include several items on a Production order automatically. Here is our situation, we have engineered parts that are composed of several components, some purchased, and some manufactured by ourselves. I am trying to include the subcomponents that we manufacture on the production order for the parent item. any suggestions?

  • srini_shettysrini_shetty Member Posts: 15
    Hi Mike,

    What do you mean by "how to include several items on a Production order automatically"

    After you have setup a Production BOM for a finished product, you create Production Order, the low level assemblies and Sub - assemblies are automatically scheduled in the production order component.

    Now if you can create a sample example for the problem you have, we can find an appropriate solution ...... :D

    All the Best !

    Srinivas Shetty
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