Some questions about Dynamic AX

art1401art1401 Member Posts: 2
edited 2007-09-13 in Dynamics AX
Dear everyone,

I have some questions about Dynamic AX that need any solutions as following:
1. I want to know, can dynamic ax integrate with microsoft project and how to do?

2. I have three company as following :
Company A is a trader
Company B is a manufacturor 1
Company C is a manufacturor 2

Company A got a order from the customer and checks the goods in his warehouse which the goods is not enough for sale to his customer, and he checks the capacity of campany B and C which he found company C can produce the goods. So he decides to send this order to company C to produce the goods.

2.1. how does company A can check the capacity of company B and C in dynamic AX? (In case of I use multicompany)

2.2. how does company A can send the order to company C in dynamic AX? (In case of company C does not need to reenter the order)

Can someone help me?
Thank you
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