Possible bug? Purchase Invoice line and Unit Price.

PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
Ehh... I just need confirmation is this has been corrected in some of updates or maybe it is not a bug at all.

On purchase line there is a field called Unit Price (LCY). This field is populated with "Unit Price" from the item card.
If foreign currency is used on Purchase Order then this field gets a wrong value (actually it gets value multiplied with currency factor if currency used on Purchase Order). Original value is taken from the item card wich holds LCY value not FCY so it does not need to be calculated to FCY ("unit price (LCY)" is name of the field in purchase line).

I searched through code of table Purchase Line and found Function called UpdateUOMQtyPerStockQty where next lines has been added after 3.6v Navision:
  "Unit Price (LCY)" :=
      GetDate,PurchHeader."Currency Code",
      "Unit Price (LCY)",PurchHeader."Currency Factor");

You may see here that it calculates LCY to FCY amount and stores it to a field that is LCY.
This is 4.0 SP3. On 3.6, there is the same function but without this line.


  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630

    I found that these lines are not added in 4.0 SP1 which means that they came with 4.0 SP2.
  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    solved here:


    (MS confirmed a problem with name of the field.)
  • idiotidiot Member Posts: 651
    Sorry but I'm confused here.
    If the Purchase Order is in FCY then the "Unit Price" will already be in FCY am I correct?
    If I'm correct then what is the purpose of "Unit Price (FCY)"?
    Then how would I know my "Unit Price (LCY)"?
    Hope I'm making sense...
    NAV - Norton Anti Virus

    ERP Consultant (not just Navision) & Navision challenger
  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    idiot wrote:
    Sorry but I'm confused here.
    If the Purchase Order is in FCY then the "Unit Price" will already be in FCY am I correct?
    If I'm correct then what is the purpose of "Unit Price (FCY)"?
    Then how would I know my "Unit Price (LCY)"?
    Hope I'm making sense...

    Sorry for a late response... a lot of new posts hide this thread.

    MS confirmed me that that line has to be deleted and it is a bug.

    There is a field called "Unit Price (LCY)" on purchase line. That line is populated with value from Item."Unit Price" which is LCY too. Problem was that NAV convert LCY to FCY and then stores it to "Unit Price (LCY)" which is irregular.

    So, this conversion from LCY to FCY is now escaped.

    (Another issue is why we don't have a field called "Unit Price (FCY)" on Purchase Line and do we need it at all).

    As I said, MS confirmed a bug and solution (to delete that line).
  • idiotidiot Member Posts: 651
    So in other words
    1. it's redundant conversion (no conversion was needed)
    2. the MS representative gave a wrong explanation that resulted in more confusion, possibility due to wrong assumptions or ignorance, as the field name is correct, just that the value it carries is wrong

    Am I correct?
    NAV - Norton Anti Virus

    ERP Consultant (not just Navision) & Navision challenger
  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    Yes, you are correct.
    First MS reaction (though not-official-resolution-to-problem) was "wrong name" but later they gave me new code (which means = redundant conversion was problem) and it is their final solution to problem.
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