error "there is no currency exchange rate"

NagiNagi Member Posts: 151

Is there any one who could help me solve the following error message:

//->There is no Currency Exchange Rate within the filter.

Filters: Currency Code: SEK, Starting Date: ".."//<- ](*,)

I'm trying to import an invoice using a simple dataport. The dataport simply fills in the sales header and sales line tables with information from an Excel worksheet and it has been working fine up to this point, but this is the first time we've had to run it against a customer that has a specified currency code on the customer card.

I would appreciate any help on this issue.



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    Have you tried entering a Currency Exchange Rate for that date?
  • NagiNagi Member Posts: 151
    Hi Denster,

    In the Currency Exchange Rate table, I've enteret the appropriate currency code with a starting date. All subseqent columns (except relational currency code) have also been filled in. :?:

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,305
    If there's a valid exchange rate, and you're validating the fields correctly then it should work. I'd probably suggest that you debug the dataport and find out exactly where it stops, and try to figure out what the values are supposed to be, and see if you can program your dataport accordingly.
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    If it is your default currency, don't use it but leave the field empty...try it out in a manual order.
  • NagiNagi Member Posts: 151
    I figured it out :D

    If anybody else comes across this problem, it's a simple matter of validating the posting date field on the sales header table before you validate the sell-to customer field.

    Big thanks to those who helped me on this =D>
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