DisableItemTracking := NOT ItemJnlLine2.ItemPosting; ItemTrackingCode.Code := Item."Item Tracking Code"; ItemTrackingMgt.GetItemTrackingSettings( ItemTrackingCode,ItemJnlLine."Entry Type",ItemJnlLine.Signed(ItemJnlLine."Quantity (Base)") > 0, SNRequired,LotRequired,SNInfoRequired,LotInfoRequired); .........After:
DisableItemTracking := NOT ItemJnlLine2.ItemPosting; ItemTrackingCode.Code := Item."Item Tracking Code"; // Item tracking per location IF Location.GET(ItemJnlLine2."Location Code") THEN BEGIN DisableItemTracking := NOT Location."Use Item Tracking"; IF NOT Location."Use Item Tracking" THEN ItemTrackingCode.Code := ''; END; ItemTrackingMgt.GetItemTrackingSettings( ItemTrackingCode,ItemJnlLine."Entry Type",ItemJnlLine.Signed(ItemJnlLine."Quantity (Base)") > 0, SNRequired,LotRequired,SNInfoRequired,LotInfoRequired); .........
Consider the following scenario:
In this scenario Location A uses Lot Tracking, Location B does not.
1. You purchase 100 cases of Widgets from a supplier. They are received into location A as Lot No. 100.
2. You purchase 100 cases of Widgets from a supplier. They are received into location A as Lot No. 101.
3. You transfer all 200 cases to location B. Location B does not assign Lot numbers.
4. You transfer 100 cases back to Location A. Which lot are they? Are they both lots or a new one?
5. Your supplier issues a recall on the cases received as Lot 100. Where is lot 100?
They desire to use it as a packaging system, not an actual quality control system.
A lot equals a pallet of goods.
Currently they do not transfer between locations, so the transfering isn't as important, although it would (actually should) still have the lot tag affixed to it if they wanted to bring it back or to another location that has tracking. If they decide it is something that they desire later on, they can always enable it for that location.
When they produce a lot of goods, they leave it as a lot and sell it as a lot. So they want to be able to pick a lot number and know how much inventory of the item is in that lot and list it on a shipping report/packing list by lots.
Some of their locations are very small, so they don't want to use lots. They would rather maintain the same information manually, I don't fully agree with them, but it is ultimately their decision.
I was looking for problems with the value entries or the item ledger entries, but it looks as though the item tracking is kept on the Item ledger Entry which differentiates by location already, so there shouldn't be an issue. I am doing a lot of entries with this to make sure but was hoping someone had tried something similar and had some advice...
I have run a series of tests so far without issue.
Sales Orders from multiple locations
Purchase Orders received to multiple locations
Credit Memos
Purchase Credit Memos
Item Journal Entries (Phys Inv etc)
and I am starting on testing Transfer Orders.
If I run into anything, I will probably resrict transfers to be only between locations that are the same in regards to item tracking.
Thanks for your advice.
I see this is already an old request, which means you have been running with this for some time now.
Could you share your experience with it ?
I need the same functionality and I was wondering if it is a good idea to do it or not.
thanks for your advice.
They were using Item tracking in a non-standard way though, so you would still have to do your own testing and analysis to ensure that it will work in the manner that you expect it to.
This WILL [-X break the item tracing feature as bbrown has stated.
Imho this should be: