Early GR Issue

souravbsouravb Member Posts: 135
In a Purchase Order Suppose the expected recipt date is 15/09/07. The vendor also promised me to deliver on this date. Suppose the vendor comes with the goos early( say 120907). I want to block the Goods receipt in such a case. How to achieve that. Do i need to add additional fields or otherways are there. Plz help.


  • nrapendranrapendra Member Posts: 208
    in purch. post codeunit. use following logic

    if recieve then begin
    if "posting date" < "expected Rect Date" then
    error("Can not Post")

    Nrapendra Singh
    (Sr. Tech. Consultant)
    Dataman Computer Systems (P) Ltd.
    web :www.datamannet.com
    mail :nrapendra@datamannet.com
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