Purchase & Sales Rate Difference Invoice.

sachinsanghavisachinsanghavi Member Posts: 38

Can any one assist me in booking Rate Difference Invioce ? This Rate Difference also attract Excise & VAT Taxes.



  • raj2000beraj2000be Member Posts: 36
    I think you need to elaborate on Rate different?

  • sachinsanghavisachinsanghavi Member Posts: 38

    Elaboratation for Rate Difference:

    For Eg.

    Purchase Order:
    ItemX for 100 Kgs @ 100 per Kg = 10000

    Invioce booked at the above rate also.

    But eventually after debating with the vendor the price is fixed at either 98 or 102. In either of the case the actual purchase price will be 98 or 102 respectively and not 100. Also the taxes and excise credit can be taken only on 98 or 102 as the case may be and not on 100.

    Now as actually the invioce has alerady been posted @ 100, how do i book for the rate difference?

    Sachin Sanghavi.
  • sachinsanghavisachinsanghavi Member Posts: 38
    It's shocking that no one is able to reply me. ](*,) :(
  • aman_mbsaman_mbs Member Posts: 158
    U can do this with Credit memos.....
    Aman Kumar Gupta
  • anirudh_laroiyaanirudh_laroiya Member Posts: 19
    Use Credit Memo for this. Make A Item Charge for that particular Item and assign that Item Charge for that specific purchase and any increase or decrease in rate is loading to inventory after the assignement and the vendor is effected respectively.

  • sachinsanghavisachinsanghavi Member Posts: 38
    Dear All,

    My dear friends, I can not use credit memo for rate different as excise and sales tax is not calculated on it.

  • darshanmdarshanm Member Posts: 280

    yes, you have to show as a purchase return through Purchase
    credit memo,use applies-to-entry in Credit memo line for correct valuation. Then again post the Purchase Invoice with
    correct rate.

    By doing this your excise and sales tax entries will get reveresed
    and will again get posted with correct entries.

    Excise and Sales tax is being calculated in Purch. credit memo.


    Create an dummy item for rate difference with inventory value zero
    tick on it and use it to adjust the rate diff. with this your excise and
    sales tax will also get posted.
    Darshan Mungekar
    Senior Consultan
  • sachinsanghavisachinsanghavi Member Posts: 38

    Thanks for the reply

    I can not post the credit memo as there are chances that the material is not in stock.

    And creating a new item will not effect the item costing which I require.

    Kindly rethink.

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