Where to get actual Unit Cost per item?

selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
Hi Nav Masters,
I have a problems
My client wants me to create a reports for them
The Reports consist of the following columns :
1 Invoice No.
2 Cust No.
3 Order date
4 Item No.
5 Quantity
6 Unit Price
7 Item Discount (Line Disc Amount)
8 Unit Cost

I think i can get the column 1-7 from table 112 Sales Inv Hdr and 113 Sales Inv Line.
But where can i get the Unit Cost for that item (column no8 )?
Currently we are using FIFO. So in logic when i sale 1 item, i can get the unit cost for that item right?

Please help me Nav masters, cuz i really dont understand. I already look at table Value Entry, but which one to get?

Is there any better/correct way to get data for this item?

Thanks in advance



  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516

    What about the field from Sales Inv Line

    Unit Cost (LCY) field no 23 or Unit Cost field no 100

  • selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
    Yes i know bout that, but seems that this Unit cost is incorrect.
    Can someone explain me more details. Coz i know when we run adjust cost the Unit cost in Value entry will also change. So how to get the correct Unit Cost?
    The final goals for this report is to get Total Sales(sales-discount) - Total Cost = to get Total Net Profit


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 923
    The item cost adjustment routine runs does not alter the unit cost in the sales invoice line, nor does it adjust the Profit % in the Customer Ledger Entry. It is generally not a good idea to use posted documents for profit calculations. Only the Value Entries and the Flow Fields in the Item Ledger Entries (ILE) offer you reliable figures.

    If you have to use it, and "Shipment on Invoice" is checked in your sales setup, or the invoice was created by posting an order, there is an Item Ship Entry No. in the Sales Shipment Line for this Invoice Line. With this you can find the apppropiate ILE and use its unit cost fields ( if available the actual cost, otherwise the expected cost) instead. If no shipment lines exist, your might be able to use the document no. and item no. to filter the value entries, which lead you to the ILE Entry via the field Item Ledger Entry No.. Summing up the value entries directly is only possible if no purchase item charges with different document nos. exist, as these also contribute to the unit cost.
    Kai Kowalewski
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