Currency exchange rate precision

Aure69Aure69 Member Posts: 30
Hi, We work on Incadea which is the automative add-on to Nav. This is based on a 2.60 Core with many objects from 3.70. Our customer imports cars in Africa and deal with great purchase invoices amounts. We get troubles for the bank account reconciliations since Navision offers 6 figures after the coma and the bank use many more figures. This causes to differences up to 450€ for their regular purchase invoices. Do you have any advice for us to develop an add-on which would manage more figures after the coma ?
Business Analyst
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 923
    If no rounding takes place witin the program code, Navison uses 18 significant digits of the fractional part internally. Build yourself a test database, increase the DecimalsPlaces Property in Table 330 Currency Exchange Rate for all the decimal fields from 1:6 to 1:12 ( if that's enough) and do all the usual posting and reconciliation and see what happens. The Currency Factor field in the G/L Journal Line can handle up to 15 significant digits in the fractional part. Keep in mind that for EMU Currencies, there are triangulation rules and rounding rules to be followed which limit the accuracy.
    Kai Kowalewski
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