Regression Testing (Automation)

JutJut Member Posts: 72

I already searched the forum for the topics "Regression testing" and "Test automation". Some people suggest using the Benchmark Toolkit to do this. In fact, this is good possibility but I would prefer some sort of framework that offers the following:
All Conditions possible in the system (e.g. Instances of Setup Tables, Master datas...) would be stores in some NAV-Tables. It would be necessary to define all tables and fields which should be have a certain state. It would be possible to use these information with RecordRefs and FieldRefs dynamically in one function. So far so good, this all could be achieved with the Benchmark Toolkit, as well. The next step necessary for a real regression tests tool would be the invocation of Functions and Reports dynamically. This unfortunatley is not possible with Field/Record-Refs. Is there any alternative to invoke a Function (of a Table or Codeunit or Report...) whose name can be entered in my Condition-Table?
If this is not possible, does anyone know another way to meet the needs of a "testing framework"?

Thanks a lot in advance!


  • JutJut Member Posts: 72
    Nobody has got any idea? Or does nobody understand what I wanted to say?
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